Schitt’s Creek’s Emmy sweep was well deserved

Schitt’s Creek’s Emmy sweep was well deserved, and we also loved seeing the cast together to accept their awards.

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Season 6 Review: A Fabulous Ending

In the final season of Schitt’s Creek, we said goodbye to the Rose family. Each episode brought us character moments that reminded us why we fell in love with the show in the first place. In the lead up to…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ 6×14 Review: “Happy Ending”

This week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek featured the wedding we’ve all been waiting for, and the bittersweet ending to the show we’ve all come to love. While we may not be ready to say goodbye, alas, this day still came.…

Fond Farewell: ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Finale Roundtable

As the Schitt’s Creek finale airs this week, we can all agree that this show is simply the best. As it comes to an end, we can’t help but be appreciative of Dan Levy and the wonderful cast and crew…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Episode 6×13 Review: “Start Spreading the News”

It’s here, everyone. The beginning of the end of Schitt’s Creek. This week’s episode was the first of the two-part finale, with the show ending next Tuesday. As predicted, we are all a giant mess of feels about saying goodbye…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Episode 6×12 Review: “The Pitch”

A few people from the Schitt’s Creek community ventured to the Big Apple in this week’s episode, “The Pitch” and their meeting had all the main characters thinking about their futures. This was the third to last episode of Schitt’s…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Episode 6×09 Review: ‘Rebound’

“Rebound” was the theme of this week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek, and after Alexis and Ted’s heartbreaking parting in the previous episode, we weren’t ready for her to move on. Even if she was trying to. Alexis wasn’t the only…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Episode 6×08 Review: “Presidential Suite”

Things got a little fancy in the motel business in this week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek, called “The Presidential Suite.” While the business partners cut the ribbon on their new motel property, another relationship broke our hearts. But luckily, David…

Schitt’s Creek Episode 6×07 Review: ‘Moira Rosé’

Who wants to enjoy a nice bottle of “Moira Rosé” after this week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek? If they can ever figure out what blend it is, of course. And while some community members were getting ready to join a…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ 6×05 Review: “The Premiere”

Between Patrick’s wisdom teeth being pulled and the premiere, this week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek titled “The Premiere” is one of the funniest of the entire series. The writers are doing a brilliant job this season of giving fans exactly…

‘Schitt’s Creek’ Episode 6×04 Review: ‘Maid of Honour’

This week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek, titled “Maid of Honour,” had the wedding planning in full swing! While we wait for the big day, we get to watch our favorite organizers – David, Patrick, Stevie and Alexis in action. We…