‘Krypton’ 1×10 Review:  For Here, I Hope, Begins Our Lasting Joy

Ah, TV. How I love you sometimes. How I hate you at others. Krypton was, a few days ago, renewed for the Season 2 that I was always convinced it would get, considering the ratings and the fact that it…

‘Krypton’ 1×09 Review: Woe, Destruction, Ruin and Decay

Here we are, on the next to last review of the first season of Krypton, and though I still don’t like this show one bit, or care about anyone or laughed at anything or had any reaction resembling human emotion…

‘Krypton’ 1×08 Review: Now Cracks a Noble Heart

I’ve gotten through these reviews making quips, and quoting Shakespeare and generally just hoping against hope that, at some point, there’d be something about the show that would catch my attention, something about the show I could connect to, something…

‘Krypton’ 1×07 Review: No Legacy is So Rich as Honesty

After a couple of almost passable episodes that did not have me nodding as I tried to get through them, Krypton is back to its old, very, very boring normal in “Transformation.” The problems remain the same: stuff is happening,…

‘Krypton’ 1×06 Review: Now is The Winter of Our Discontent

Every week, I look for a Shakespeare quote to title these reviews. The show is going heavy on the comparisons, so who am I to go against what they want? Some quotes I know, because what, I like Shakespeare, and…

‘Krypton’ 1×03 Review: All that Glitters is Not Gold

Okay, look, it’s been three episodes. Three whole episodes. One hundred and twenty minutes. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but after three episodes you should at least have a sense of something, when watching a TV show. The…

‘Krypton’ 1×02 Review: Love All, Trust A Few, Do Wrong to None

Oh, yes. I started with a Shakespeare quote. It’s a theme, you see. Since they’re not being subtle, why should I be? I’m just going to lean into it and ride the wave, so to speak. Last episode, I had…

‘Krypton’ 1×01 Review: Shakespearean Drama in Space

At times, while watching the Pilot of Krypton, I wasn’t sure if I was watching a DC property, or if this was really and truly set on another – more advanced – planet than the one we live in. At…

Top 21 TV Ship Moments of 2017

We talked ships that made our hearts full before, but right now we want to get more specific, we want to talk moments – those scenes that made our hearts beat faster, our breaths catch and our eyes water. Those…

‘Wynonna Earp’ Season 2 Finale: I Hope You Dance

Wynonna Earp‘s season 2 finale, “I Hope You Dance,” ended with an actual Earp birth, two sisters united, allies turned rivals, and the first glimpse at the Earp matriarch. The curse isn’t broken, there’s still a shit load of revenants,…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×11 Review: Gone as a Girl Can Get

Wynonna Earp’s “Gone as a Girl Can Get” was honestly the weakest episode of season 2. (Bold statement. I know. But stick with me.) It didn’t have its spark or usual flair. And maybe that was their point. Maybe this…

15 WTF Moments from ‘Wynonna Earp’s “I See A Darkness”

Wynonna Earp‘s “I See Darkness” delivered a punch to the solar plexus before playing some really emotional music and watching the characters I know and love suffer because of the demons in Purgatory. And since I have too many feels…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×09 Review: Forever Mine Nevermind

Wynonna Earp‘s ‘Forever Mine Nevermind’ reminded us how much of a badass Wynonna is, how fragile some relationships are, and how this little family is fighting to stay on top of things and united in a world just frothing at…

‘Krypton’ SDCC 2017 Interviews: Cameron Cuffe, Cameron Welsh & Damian Kindler

Before San Diego Comic Con, we knew nothing about Krypton. Now, after San Diego Comic Con, you still probably know nothing about Krypton, but us? We enough enough to be excited – really really excited. Let’s be honest, the premise…

‘Wynonna Earp’ SDCC 2017 Interview: Varun Saranga and Shamier Anderson

We caught up with Varun Saranga and Shamier Anderson from Syfy’s Wynonna Earp at San Diego Comic-Con to talk about Jeremy joining the Earper family, Dolls being a lizard/dragon person, and the blossoming bromances of Season 2. Being the new…

‘Wynonna Earp’ SDCC 2017 Interview: Tamara Duarte and Tim Rozon

We caught up with Wynonna Earp‘s Tamara Duarte and Tim Rozon to talk their relationship, their past, and how they’re constantly surprised at the direction that Emily has taken this show. For Rozon, who plays Doc Holliday, every episode is…

‘Wynonna Earp’ SDCC 2017 Interview: Emily Andras and Beau Smith

Wynonna Earp is very much the little show that could. The only that no one thought would make it this far. The one that was a hard sell. But also the one that Emily Andras, Beau Smith, and Earpers all…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×08 Review: No Future in the Past

Wynonna Earp‘s “No Future in the Past” sent Wynonna on a vision quest, revealed the truth about Waverly, and left us scratching our heads at the return of the revenant Bobo. The Earp curse was also explained but…a little hard…

‘Wynonna Earp’ SDCC 2017 Interview: Melanie Scrofano, the Pregnant Hero We Need

Melanie Scrofano, the lead of Syfy’s Wynonna Earp, sat down with us at San Diego Comic-Con to talk about Season 2 of the hit series and the groundbreaking way that EP Emily Andras wrote in her real life pregnancy. (She…

‘Wynonna Earp’ 2×06 Review: Whiskey Lullaby

Wynonna Earp continues to prove that you can have a female led drama with a twist of humor and family without drowning in hero angst that weighs down the main character and everyone around them. This week’s episode, “Whiskey Baby”,…

5 WTF Moments from ‘Wynonna Earp’s “Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers”

Goonona plays around in Wynonna’s body, discovers a huge secret, and then is forced back into Waverly’s body because of the faith this sister has in the other in Wynonna Earp’s “Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers”. It was an episode that showed…