Our Holiday Wish-List for the Characters of Once Upon A Time

Christmas is a joyful time. A time of family, a time of laughter, and a time of presents. We give presents to the people we love because we love them, because we want them to have a good time. We…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Roundtable: “Wish You Were Here”

That was a tad …anticlimactic? I mean, I see what you were going for, Once Upon A Time. Especially if I tilt my head to the side and sort of squint. Which kinda means you didn’t quite hit the mark…

27 Female TV Characters Who Were a Force of Nature in 2016

Being a woman is not easy. Not even in TV-Land. In fact, we could even say “especially” not in TV Land. Everything is, after all, magnified. The characters we see on the screen are us (with stylists and better outfits),…

BROTPs That Ruled 2016

As fans, we tend to focus a lot on the romance in movies, books and TV shows. But sometimes, it’s the friendships that provide the most heartwarming moments and, let’s be honest, the most solid relationships. Even if your OTP…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Review: “Wish You Were Here”

What ifs seem to be all the rage these days. Earlier this week Arrow took us to a dream world that was altogether too perfect. Today, Once Upon A Time attempted to do the same. Both shows sent a message,…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×09 Roundtable: “Changelings”

Oh, Belle. I just want to give you a hug. Not that a hug will help. Nothing will help at this point. There’s no comfort, not even in knowing you did the right thing. Because the Rumple we’ve seen the…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×09 Review: “Changlings”

“Sometimes you have to choose power over love,” Rumplestiltskin’s mother says in this episode (yes, HIS MOTHER), proving that a) the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and b) Belle made the right choice by giving up her son,…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×08 Roundtable: “I’ll Be Your Mirror”

So, Henry has grown up. That’s about the only thing that we learned from “I’ll Be Your Mirror.” That and Rumple’s an asshole, but I’m pretty sure we knew that. This is just like the 290472782372th confirmation. And yes, there’s…

Once Upon A Time: The End of Rumbelle

Funny, I keep thinking of Junot Diaz these days. He has a quote, from his book This is How You Lose Her that has stuck with me, through good times and bad times. It reads: ‘And that’s when I know…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×08 Review: “I’ll Be Your Mirror”

Love is weakness, Cora said once, a long time ago, but a show like this never forgets. And when I say it doesn’t forget, I mean it never loses an opportunity to prove that phrase wrong – again and again…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 Roundtable: “Heartless”

That was a twist …wasn’t it? Maybe I’d been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe I was just too used to the Evil Queen never getting what she wanted. Either way, Once Upon A Time, six seasons in,…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 “Heartless” Review: When You Believe

There can be miracles when you believe. And yes, I just sang that at the top of my lungs. I’m a Disney girl, through and through. But hey, it fits. Belief is a very important thing. In fact, you could…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Roundtable: “Dark Waters”

Family is what you make of it. Family is not just the people who share your blood, but the people you love, and who love you back. That was the message of an emotional episode of Once Upon A Time…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Review: “Dark Waters”

Wow. Did that episode bring the unexpected feels or what? I mean, yes, we were promised Hook backstory. We weren’t promised tears, a family reunion, a Captain Cobra adventure, honesty and a realistic look at what a relationship between a…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×05 Roundtable: “Street Rats”

This savior business is not as cool as advertised, is it? After all, it’s not just one big moment of …saving. It’s a constant struggle to save and save and just …save. People. Things. Savior is something you are 24/7.…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×05 Review: “Street Rats”

“Gotta keep one jump ahead of the breadline, one swing ahead of the sword… I steal only what I can’t afford. (That’s Everything!)” Well, yes, I did punctuate the beginning of this review by singing “One Jump Ahead.” But hey, it’s Aladdin. I…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×04 Roundtable “Strange Case”

Goodbye Mr. Jekyll. So long Mr. Hyde. We barely knew ye. It wasn’t such a strange case after all. This episode was way more interesting for what it presented in Storybrooke, and how our characters story-lines entwined with Jekyll and Hyde’s,…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×04 Review: “Strange Case”

At its best, Once Upon A Time can take a familiar story, turn it on its head and teach us a lesson at the same time. At its best this show can intertwine the stories from the people we’ve known…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 Roundtable: “The Other Shoe”

Well, that was a good episode, wasn’t it? The flashbacks were engaging, the present stuff was interesting, moving and it gave the actors a chance to show their range. Oh, yes, and the Evil Queen and the Not-so-evil-stepsister’s outfits slayed. There’s…

Pinocchio is Coming Back to Once Upon A Time

Pinocchio is back! ET is reporting that Eion Bailey is set to reprise his role in Once Upon A Time’s sixth season, and according to Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis, his return will prove to be particularly helpful to Emma.…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×03 Review: “The Other Shoe”

Who would have thought? (Everyone). When you bring in the familiar faces, focus on the couples we’ve followed on this journey for five seasons and involve the characters we care about in the untold story, you have a pretty good…