‘Party of Five’ 1×06 Review: Impostor Syndrome

Party of Five’s “Patch Job” does a great job of straddling the fence between the small concerns, like we talked about last week, and the bigger ones, the ones that change lives. They do that by focusing on the repercussions…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 5×02 Review : “Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me”

“Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me” is a perfect example of when Legends of Tomorrow is running on all cylinders, no other show can match it’s heart and silliness.

‘Locke and Key’ Spoiler Free Review: Welcome to Key House

To be honest, when we first jumped into Locke & Key, we weren’t sure if we’d like it. Sure, it had the makings of a great urban fantasy drama, but there was something about it that left us feeling uncertain…

‘9-1-1 Lone Star’ 1×04 Review: “Act of God”

The fourth episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star, “Act of God”, picked up right where we left off last week: a severe weather alert.  This meant the first responders were pretty busy with intense rescues.  Owen also took a major step…

‘Evil’ 1×13 Review: “Book 27”

In the last hour of season 1, entitled “Book 27”, we see our Ben, Kristin and David work on a… maybe demonic baby? As well as really figure out what the plan of the 60 might be- and just how they’re doing it.

‘Legacies’ 2×11: “What Cupid Problem?” Review

Legacies Season 2 Episode 11 “What Cupid Problem?” is such a fun hour of television; it’s hard not to gush about every single moment of it. This episode feels like a nice breather before Kai Parker’s return next week, even…

‘Grown-ish’ 3×03 Review: “Close Friends”

Hello Grown-ish fans! I’m considering this week a “filler” episode due to the lack of momentum until the very end. Nomi tries to convince Zoey that she and Luca can and should be friends, furthermore, it will be awkward in…

‘The Bold Type’ 4×02 Review: ‘#Scarlet’

There’s something freeing about embracing the future. Opening your mind to new possibilities, regardless of how scary and unknown they might be. But it’s also important to honor the past, which without it we wouldn’t have a future to look…

‘The Good Place’ Series Finale Review: The Time of Our Lives

It strikes me as both incredibly strange and unbelievably fulfilling that I find myself feeling this emotional after having watched The Good Place series finale, titled “Whenever You’re Ready.” Strange because I never really thought we’d get here, never wanted…

‘Party of Five’ 1×05 Review: Parenting

Party of Five’s “Rafa” goes micro while the rest of the show had been going macro, and it’s both incredibly appreciated, and absolutely necessary. Yes, the restaurant is a concern, and the big issues of what being latinx means in…

‘New Amsterdam’ 2×12: “14 Years, 2 Months, 8 Days”

In between everything else in life, I think that sometimes what I forget is the power of prayer and believing in something. All too often I am caught up in the day that I forget to take a second and…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 94: The Best ‘Frozen 2’ Review to Exist

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel…

‘Arrow’ Series Finale Review: “The Last Bow”

We are back, for the last time. It seems incredible that 8 years ago we started a journey that ends here today, with “The Last Bow.” It seems like yesterday … but the journey ends here with an emotional and…

‘911: Lone Star’ 1×03 Review: “Texas Proud”

The third episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star, “Texas Proud” was a step in the right direction in terms of character development and storylines.  The team responded to some pretty weird calls, TK and Judd came to an understanding, and Michelle…

‘Legacies’ 2×10: “This Is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies” Review

Legacies Season 2 Episode 10, “This Is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies” is as complex as its title. Let’s just say Coven Day doesn’t go as smoothly as it could have gone. The season is more than…

‘The Bold Type’ 4×01 Review: ‘Legends of the Fall Issue’

We truly are blessed to have a show like The Bold Type on our televisions. I was reminded as such with its season 4 premiere, which was a perfect blend of humor, seriousness, fun and preached the power of representation…

‘The Good Place’ 4×12 Review: What is The Good Place?

The Good Place has always been, well, the place for philosophical questions and good fun, at the same time. It’s ultimate episode, titled “Patty,” could not be the exception to the rule. In fact, it had to be, if anything,…

‘Party of Five’ 1×04 Review: Racists Be Racist

Though this show is all about five kids who find themselves in the difficult situation they are because of racist and unjust policies, this week’s episode of Party of Five, titled “Authentic Mexican” is the first time the show deals…

‘Arrow’ 8×09 Review: “Green Arrow and the Canaries”

We return to the normal routine! After Crisis, Arrow returns with a pilot episode for its next spin off, set in Star City 2040. “Green Arrow and the Canaries” brings us more than just a cool logo. It shows us…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 5×01 Review: “Meet the Legends”!

Legends of Tomorrow has finally returned and as the title says we get to “Meet the Legends” in the season 5 premiere. However the team that we meet in “Meet the Legends” is a little bit different from the team we’ve known and loved the last 4 seasons.

‘Legacies’ 2×09 Review: “I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You”

Hiatus is over and classes are back in session at the Salvatore Boarding School. Thanks to Josie’s perfect Christmas present, Hope isn’t the only person roaming the halls of the very different school in Legacies 2×09 “I Couldn’t Have Done…