9 Women Centric Panels You Should Attend During SDCC 2019

In an effort to keep you informed about the women oriented content available at San Diego Comic Con 2019, here are 9 panels that you should check out, bring a friend to, and enjoy when the epic convention finally gets…

‘Euphoria’ Interview With Stars Tristan and Tyler Timmons

Twin brothers Tristan and Tyler Timmons currently star as Troy and Roy on HBO’s hit show Euphoria. You might also remember them as the lead kids on the basketball court in Marvel’s Black Panther. And in case you don’t know them from…

Everything We’re Looking Forward to at Comic Con 2019

Next week, the biggest pop culture convention on Earth touches down in San Diego. Fans across the world are looking forward to the plethora of TV and movie news that’s sure to drop there —  us included! So while we…

Lifestyle Lift: Ways people treat me differently since getting a Pixie Cut

We all experience that feeling right after going to get our hair cut. You think everyone is looking at you and you feel priceless. I felt exactly that way a month ago when I decided to get the marvelous pixie…

‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Review: A Bright New Future for the MCU

Spider-Man: Far From Home has a lot on its plate.  The follow-up to director Jon Watts’s Spider-Man: Homecoming has to explain the ramifications of Avengers’ most recent battle with Thanos, provide answers as to where the MCU can go next,…

Fangirlish Talks: Our Dream Emmy Nominations

Emmy Nominations are right around the corner, and every year, the collective internet goes into an uproar about who should have been nominated, and somehow got snubbed. And no, we’re not gonna get into how Emmy voters love some shows…

A Superhero and a Superwoman: 5 Reasons Why We Love Pepper Potts

With Spider-Man: Far from Home premiering this week, we thought that now would be a great time to look back at one of our favorite characters from the MCU that just so happens to have a special connection to Peter…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 6×06 Review: “Inescapable”

I’ve never been shy of telling everyone that my two favorite characters on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. So of course, when I heard that “Inescapable” was going to be a FitzSimmons episode, I was very…

Where the MCU Stands Before ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’

After Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame broke a multitude of hearts and box office records this May, the MCU as we know it was left in disarray. The deaths, finger snaps, and time travel shenanigans audiences saw during the last outing of…

‘Men in Black: International’ Spoiler Free Review

If there’s anything that Men in Black: International proves it’s that Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth have the kind of chemistry that leaves you wanting more when the credits start rolling. It was that way during Thor: Ragnarok, not Avengers:…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×06 Roundtable: “The Iron Throne”

This is it. “The Iron Throne” is the end of an era, for better or worse. We’re done with the weekly Game of Thrones discussions, and these characters, what they are, and what they can be, are back in GRRM’s…

Tom Holland Has Me Embracing My Inner Cougar And I Am Not Ashamed

Look – you can agree or disagree with me, but Tom Holland is the only modern day Spiderman that I care about. Sorry Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire, but you are blips of the screen that I don’t recognize. I…

‘The Bold Type’ 3×05 Review: “Technical Difficulties”

And we’re back to Scarlet this week, folks! The ladies of the Bold Type have been busy, and I absolutely loved how plot-driven this episode was. Like I said last week, the plot of the season has really picked up…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 81: Our Spoiler Filled ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Review is Here!

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Roundtable: Was it All We Wanted?

The spoiler ban for Avengers: Endgame has officially been lifted, and it’s time to dissect the end of an era for the MCU, and to discuss the character arcs for the original Avengers, the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe,…

Our Favorite Fictional Hugs

There’s something about two characters hugging on screen, whether it be platonic or not, that his us right in the feels. Especially when it’s done well. It might be a reunion hug, an ‘I love you and I got your…

The Women of Winterfell: How Female Protagonists Can Define a War

The night of April 28, 2019 was one that few will forget. It was one of death, of triumph, of loss and of courage, all packed in to a stressful and highly anticipated 88 minutes of must see television. With…

Was Captain America’s Ending Meant To Be Happy? Spoiler Alert: Not Really!

After three solo movies and four Avengers movies, Captain America’s story came to its inevitable conclusion in Avengers: Endgame. There was never any doubt that his story arc would be dramatic, maybe painful, but I never thought that it would…

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Review: A Fitting End?

It’s hard to articulate the good and the parts of Avengers: Endgame without going into spoiler territory, but for all of you, I will try my very best. I apologize if my very best is a rambly mess of feelings,…

‘Cloak and Dagger’ 2×05 Review: “Alignment Chart”

Wow, Cloak and Dagger. Wow. You’re not kidding around this season, are you? Because that ending was both amazing and heartbreaking. You came straight for our heart and left us devastated. Thank God this isn’t the season finale or anything close…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 80: Our Fan Theories for ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl! So you can…