Decade Roundtable: Best Movie Actor of the Decade

In a decade that was dominated by Marvel, Star Wars, and well… everything Twilight – one can’t be shocked that the people that we have chosen as the best movie actors of the decade mainly fall under those. We have…

‘Black Widow’ Roundtable: Trailer Breakdown

As anticipation builds around Black Widow‘s May 2020 release, launching Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we want to discuss some of our opinions about the film’s trailer and the future of the MCU. Black Widow was directed by…

Fangirlish End of Year Lists: Movies We’re Looking Forward To In 2020

2019 is quickly coming to a close, and this year gave us many great films.  We stepped back into the Marvel Universe with Avengers: Endgame, we fell in love and had our hearts shattered watching After, Us taught us that…

Decade Roundtable: The Worst Movie Of The Decade

Movies. When we’re talking about good or bad ones – it’s really easy for us to just pass judgement. You either like it or you don’t. For us breaking down the worst was easy, but we could have gone ham…

2019 End of Year Lists: WTF Moments

The late great Bernie Mac once coined a joke about all the ways the word “mutherfucka” could be used; among its uses, it could be a term of endearment in addition to just straight out negative name calling.  I’d like…

Decade Roundtable: The Ship That Should Have Set Sail, But Didn’t

We will always live and die for our ships. We make no excuses, no apologies for it. But when it comes to ships – like most things in life – it’s subjective. You don’t choose the ship, the ship chooses…

Decade Roundtable: The Worst Shows Of The Decade

There are always good and bad television shows and we’ll be the first to say that everything is subjective. There are shows that we love and shows we hate. But we all have very strong feelings on the best and…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Actresses We Swooned Over in 2019

From Danai Gurira in Avengers: Endgame to Melanie Scrofano in Ready or Not, 2019 was chock-full of amazing, talented, and swoon worthy actresses that stayed on our minds long after the screen went black. To honor and celebrate these amazing…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Best Movie Moments of the Year

2019 has had its ups and downs, but it’s certainly been a great year at the theater. Here are what we at Fangirlish think are the best movie moments from 2019!  The Wandering Earth Wow! Based on the novella of…

Decades Roundtable: Books That Influenced Fandom

For us, a lot of our fandom love starts with the books that we read. Everything from Twilight (which in all fairness, is an obvious choice for this list – but we challenged people to think outside of it) to…

End of a Decade Roundtable: What Are Our Favorite Movies Of The Last 10 Years?

It’s almost 2020 and we can’t wait to see what a new decade brings. But as the new year approaches and a new decade starts, we are looking back on the past decade. Movies have been a big part of…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Shows We’ll Miss

They say all good things must come to an end, but I would rather they go on forever. We lost a lot of good shows in 2019. While there are a plethora of new shows on the horizon, they will…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: 13 Female Characters Who Kicked Ass in 2019

As each year passes, we get the pleasure of seeing more and more women kick ass in both television and movies. 2019 had its fair share of women that have done nothing but prove to us who exactly runs the…

Fangirlish Best Of 2019 Lists: Male Characters Who Kicked Ass

2019 has offered an amazing array of movies and television making it very difficult to choose between so many great male characters. Some of these characters gave EVERYTHING to save those they love and that definitely makes them worthy contenders.…

The Fangirlish Guide to ‘The Witcher’

I don’t know if any of you have heard, but a new show is about to premiere on Netflix called The Witcher. Considering it’s based on a series of books and a video game some people know all about the…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: Our Favorite Movies

2019 in film was an interesting one. We had to say goodbye to a few franchises and some favorite characters. We got maybe too many sequels, even if they wound up being better than the previous one. But we also…

The 2020 Golden Globe Nominations Are Here

The 2020 Golden Globe Nominations are out and we’re wondering what the fuck people were thinking and praising some thoughts at the same time. Zendaya has been magical on Euphoria and seeing her miss from this list is some bullshit.…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: Our Favorite TV Shows of 2019

There are so many different TV shows that premiere and continue throughout the whole year. They bring laughter, joy, sorrow, and tears. The really good ones draw you in and make you connect with what they are really about. They…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Our Top Fandoms Of The Year

Fandom. It’s something that we all take part in if you think about it. Some fandom is entertainment, some is lifestyle, some is food, so on and so forth. Fandom is defined as “the state or condition of being a…

‘Arrow’ 8×07 Review: “Purgatory”

We’re here again! This week Arrow delights us with “Purgatory,” the best episode of the show. It is a complete hour, full of emotional conflicts, goodbyes, tributes to Oliver’s entire journey and tears because yes, they have managed to move…

We’re Not The Only Ones Stanning Florence Pugh In ‘Black Widow’

Florence Pugh. God, we love her. This morning, the teaser trailer for Black Widow was released and to be honest, we have mixed feelings. Problematic Scarlett Johansson makes us want to not support the movie, because lets be honest, giving…