‘9-1-1 Lone Star’ 1×04 Review: “Act of God”

The fourth episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star, “Act of God”, picked up right where we left off last week: a severe weather alert.  This meant the first responders were pretty busy with intense rescues.  Owen also took a major step…

‘Doctor Who’ 12×06 Review: “Praxeus”

Doctor Who’s “Praxeus” saw our fam going their own ways in a display of trust I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Doctor portray. And yes, I’ve been watching Doctor Who since the beginning of time and know he/she has…

‘Legacies’ 2×11: “What Cupid Problem?” Review

Legacies Season 2 Episode 11 “What Cupid Problem?” is such a fun hour of television; it’s hard not to gush about every single moment of it. This episode feels like a nice breather before Kai Parker’s return next week, even…

‘911: Lone Star’ 1×03 Review: “Texas Proud”

The third episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star, “Texas Proud” was a step in the right direction in terms of character development and storylines.  The team responded to some pretty weird calls, TK and Judd came to an understanding, and Michelle…

In Carol We Trust: Why We Still Love Carol from ‘The Walking Dead’

Carol Peletier has made some questionable choices lately on The Walking Dead, but that doesn’t mean we stan her any less. Sure, her thirst for revenge has put some people in peril, but if we go by past history, Carol…

‘Doctor Who’ 12×05: “Fugitive of the Judoon”

Doctor Who‘s “Fugitive of the Judoon” flipped the script, tore it up, and threw it out the window in an episode that left us not with one female Doctor but two! We also saw the iconic return of Jack Harkness,…

‘Supernatural’ 15×10 Review: “The Heroes’ Journey”

We have to admit that we were nervous this entire episode of Supernatural. “The Heroes’ Journey” sounded really ominous and if there’s anything that Supernatural has taught us it’s that titles like this means sacrifice for the greater good is…

I Will Go Down With This Ship: Olicity Edition

Ships. In entertainment, and especially, in fandom, we live and die by them. Which is why every Friday, we’ll be focusing on a couple, analyzing why we ship them, and overall, just proclaiming our eternal love for those couples that…

‘The Good Place’ 4×11 Review: “Mondays, Am I Right?”

This week’s episode of The Good Place, titled “Mondays, Am I Right?” feels a bit like all the messages this show has tried to send for four seasons are coming to a head, and it’s both amazing and incredibly sad…

‘Black Widow:’ Yelena’s Fate and Taskmaster’s Identity

Black Widow’s May premiere is still quite a few months away, but that won’t stop Marvel’s passionate fans from speculating about the film’s plot and Taskmaster’s identity. Here are some of my thoughts and theories about Black Widow’s latest footage…

‘Deputy’ 1×02: “Outlaws”

We’ll still stand by the fact that we think Deputy is somewhat like Walker, Texas Ranger – set in Los Angeles. However, we’re beginning to question if that is a bad thing. Cause it might be just the hook that…

‘Party of Five’ 1×01 & 1×02 Review: Show Them Who We Are

There’s a moment in the “Pilot” of the Party of Five reboot where, as her parents are being escorted away to the buses that will take them to Mexico, away from their kids for good, Lucia, the middle child of…

‘Doctor Who’ 12×02 Review: Spyfall – Part Two

Doctor Who’s “Spyfall – Part Two” was a satisfying conclusion to a two part introduction to the next season of this classic and much loved show. And while not perfect, I’m looking at you new version of the Master who…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Ships of the Year

Oh, to love love. It’s that time of the year again, the time to look back at the fictional couples that made us smile, the ones that made us sigh and aww. The ones that made our hearts aflutter, and…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Our favorite BROTPs from 2019

The end of the year is approaching,but, before that, Christmas is  practically here! On this occasion, we want to pay tribute to those BROTPs that have marked us throughout this year. Welcome to “Our favorite BROTPs from 2019″! Here we…

‘His Dark Materials’ 1×07 Review: The Beginning of The End

For a moment there, His Dark Materials lulled me into a false sense of security. For a moment, I let myself bask in the fact that, although things weren’t perfect, they were looking up. Iorek was now king, Lee was…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: 13 Female Characters Who Kicked Ass in 2019

As each year passes, we get the pleasure of seeing more and more women kick ass in both television and movies. 2019 had its fair share of women that have done nothing but prove to us who exactly runs the…

The Final Trailer For ‘The Witcher’ Is Here!

We have to admit that we are deep in screeners of The Witcher and IT IS GOOD. The final trailer for The Witcher was released today and it is really good. Based on the best-selling fantasy series of books, THE…

Fangirlish 2019 Lists: Our Favorite Female Friendships In TV and Films

The year 2019 graced us with fantastic female leads who are strong and, most importantly – smart and self-sufficient. And one woman coupled with another one, creating a beautiful friendship – that’s something that helps society. Instead of backstabbing and…

‘Arrow’ 8×07 Review: “Purgatory”

We’re here again! This week Arrow delights us with “Purgatory,” the best episode of the show. It is a complete hour, full of emotional conflicts, goodbyes, tributes to Oliver’s entire journey and tears because yes, they have managed to move…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: Moments That Broke Our Heart

There have been a lot of moments this year that have forced us to feel, and we’re pretty positive we didn’t get them all. The point of any form of art is to evoke emotion, and this year, narrowing down…