‘The Walking Dead’ 9×08: “Evolution” of the Walkers

We say goodbye to Jesus and his beautiful hair in The Walking Dead’s mid-season finale titled, “Evolution.” The Whisperers, those zombie mask wearing bastards, took Jesus out and oh dear lord, they’ve got some pain coming in return! No matter what has…

Legends of Tomorrow 4×05 Review: “TAGUMO ATTACKS!!!”

As we head into Thanksgiving, it’s a time to reflect on what we give thanks for. Most people will say family, friends and happiness. Instead I will give thanks to Legends of Tomorrow for giving us a tribute to monster…

‘The Walking Dead’ 9×07 Review: “Stradivarius”

The Walking Dead’s “Stradivarius” did Maggie Rhee dirty. There. I said it. Lauren Cohan’s character deserved better and it’s a shame that this is how it had to go down. Especially because her time at Hilltop was game changing and…

‘I Feel Bad’ 1×08 Review: Finally, I Feel Good!

Finally, I Feel Bad gives us a good episode! The freshman show reverts back to what worked in the pilot episode and even extends it a bit through the smart use of Lily and David as key characters. I Feel Bad…

‘The Walking Dead’ 9×06 Review: “Who Are You Now?” (That Rick Grimes is Gone)

The Walking Dead‘s  “Who Are You Now?” proved that this show CAN and WILL survive the departure of Andrew Lincoln’s character Rick Grimes. Michonne and Carol stepped up in “What Are You Now?” and proved to us that this story…

‘The Holiday Calendar’: 5 Reasons You Should Watch

It’s that time of the year. You know the time, the holidays, aka the time of year when we are blessed with the so bad that they are good movies. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I…

San Diego Comic-Con President John Rogers Dies

Comic-Con International today announced the death of its longtime president, John Rogers. The announcement was posted on Twitter and on the Comic-con website just hours after badge sales closed for the 2019 event. The announcement reads: “It is with profound…

‘Titans’ 1×05 Review: ‘Together’

The Titans finally came together in this week’s episode, and the moment fans have been waiting for was worth the wait. Although this week’s episode was the shortest, clocking in at under 40 minutes, it might have actually been one…

‘Supernatural’ 14×05 Review: “Nightmare Logic” & Chief Sam Winchester

Fourteen seasons in and I’m STILL hella proud of the men that Sam and Dean Winchester have grown into and continue being. They are not just survivors. They are leaders, friends, family, and the future of this world. They are…

‘Legacies’ 1×02 Review: Smoke and Fire

The second episode of Legacies made me fall in love with the show even more. I found myself laughing and crying while watching it. “Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn” really invited viewers to fall in love…

5 FEELS Worthy Moments from ‘The Walking Dead’s “The Obliged”

Let’s be honest with each other, pain is coming for The Walking Dead and “The Obliged” set it all up with a pretty little zombie bow on top. The end is near for Rick Grimes and even though The Walking…

‘Supernatural’ 14×03 Review: The Scar, Queer Claire, and More Wayward Sisters

You hear that screaming and wailing in the distance? It’s me losing it over EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. of Supernatural‘s “The Scar.” I thought I felt robbed before when The CW didn’t pick up Wayward Sisters. The revelation that Claire is…

‘New Amsterdam’ 1×05 Review: Cavitation

Ah, this week touched on some real society issues and it was hard to watch (not because of the quality,  but because of the subject matter). But if Max taught me anything, it’s that the political drama or societal drama…

‘Party of Five’ Reboot Casts It’s Four Leads

Brandon Larracuente (13 Reasons Why), Emily Tosta (Mayans M.C.), Niko Guardado (The Goldbergs) and newcomer Elle Paris Legaspi have been cast as the four older Buendía siblings in the reboot of Party of Five. Now, I will be one of…

5 Spoiler Free Reasons You Should Watch 2018’s ‘Halloween’

Ryan Green/Universal Halloween 2018 is here to cleanse your palate of the nine sequels and remakes of the original John Carpenter Halloween from 1978. And oh, what a fantastic cleansing it is! Laurie Strode, played by Jamie Lee Curtis, is…

‘Arrow’ 7×02 Review: ‘The Longbow Hunters’

There’s a different vibe in this seventh season of Arrow. There’s this sense of hope and optimism that this season can almost consistently provide satisfaction. There’s this feeling that this change is showrunner is the exact change that this show…

‘The Walking Dead’ 9×03 Review: Warning Signs & #Richonne Family Fun Day

The Walking Dead‘s “Warning Signs” was just that, a warning. The end is near for Rick Grimes and I’m not ok with it. Not even near ok with it. This episode gave us signs that the tide was turning and…

‘Arrow’ 7×01 Review: "Inmate 4587" aka HOLY S**T

Since every tease of Arrow’s season 7 premiere used the same two words, I’d like to start my review the same way: HOLY. SHIT. That is how you do a season premiere. There was action, emotion, suspense, intrigue, good writing,…

‘The Walking Dead’ 9×02 Review: The Bridge to Actually Living & Not Just Surviving

For the longest time, seasons upon seasons, the survivors of The Walking Dead have just been…well…surviving. They haven’t been living. That is, until now. Two episodes into season 9 and we’re already seeing a different side of our favorite survivors…

‘Supernatural’ 14×01: “Stranger in a Strange Land” Kicks Off Season 14 with a Bang!

Supernatural returns for it’s 14th season (yes, you read that right) with Sam being a wonderbread demons Beyonce, Luci…I mean Nick…still around, and Mary reminding us all about the good Sam & Friends still have in their lives. “Stranger in…

‘The Walking Dead’ 9×01 Review: A New Beginning? Or the Start of the End?

The Walking Dead‘s “A New Beginning” came out swinging with the end of Gregory (FINALLY!), Maggie choosing her baby and community as her top priority, and loads of Richonne and Carzekiel goodness. (We really were blessed with all that ship…