‘Timeless’ Roundtable: Why We Need to #SaveTimeless

We’ve talked about this before. In fact, it feels like we’ve talked about this too much. And yet, Timeless still got cancelled, and we’re here again, trying to pick up the pieces. Trying to #SaveTimeless. But why are we here?…

‘Blindspot’ 3×22 Review: “In memory “

Blindspot season is over! But before we get sentimental thinking about the hellatus that awaits us, there are many things to comment on the season finale. Last week’s episode already prepared us for what was going to be a roller…

‘The Flash’ 4×22 Review: ‘Think Fast’

The penultimate episode of The Flash’s season four – titled ‘Think Fast’ – wrapped up a few loose threads. And left a good number dangling. A Bad Man’s Bad Plan Unsurprisingly, this season’s Big Bad, DeVoe, had a great deal…

'Timeless' 2×07: 12 Moments From “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” We Can’t Stop Talking About

It’s episodes like “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” that remind us why Timeless is so important. No, it’s not just about the characters or the glorious ships (although that’s certainly part of it.) This show is important because it serves to educate…

'Arrow' 6×17 Review: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass

There are few things that I consider sacred on Arrow. Original Team Arrow. Oliver and Felicity. Oliver and Diggle. The things that drew me into this show. The things that are the reason I’m still here watching this show. Over…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 5×14 Review: “The Devil Complex”

When was the last time a episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D messed with your head like this one did?? (Well, a few episodes ago but this one REALLY did) Remember how the 100th episode was going to be “game-changing”? Well…

'Timeless' Season 2 Premiere: 12 Moments We Can’t Stop Talking About

It’s truly unbelievable that NBC even thought about cancelling the brilliant gem that is Timeless. It’s beautiful storytelling, complex characters, the jaw-dropping twists, and the mythology that has made Timeless a show that is truly captivating. Timeless’ first season was…

'Black Lightning' 1×01: 'The Resurrection' Roundtable

Black Lightning is unlike anything we’ve ever seen on The CW. In the best possible way. Welcome to our new obsession that’s perhaps the most refreshing thing we’ve ever witnessed on the network. This is the perfect example of blending…

‘Agents of SHIELD’ 5×06 Review: “Fun and Games”

One thing that I’ve complained about this season is that the whole team haven’t been in a episode together. It’s made the season feel a little empty so far. Well, with “Fun and Games,”  Agents of SHIELD is fully back…

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ is the Movie for a New Generation

Reviewing Star Wars: The Last Jedi and trying to come up with coherent thoughts seems like a daunting task for a girl who grew up on Star Wars, and one who, in general, probably possesses a lot more love for…

‘The Shannara Chronicles’ 2×04 Review: Dweller

The Shannara Chronicles “Dweller” saw the fragile bonds between a lot of our core characters grow in strength and in numbers. It also saw Bandon returning to his former home, powerful and hungry to prove that others aren’t worthy of saving…

‘The Flash’ 4×04 Review: ‘Elongated Journey Into Night’

Honestly, we’re four weeks into the new season, and I cannot get over how impressed I am with The Flash as it continues to rebound from a rough outing last year and remind us why we love this show. Even…

These Women of ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash’ Deserve Better 

In every show I’ve ever loved, there has been at least one woman that has stolen my heart. And in almost every fandom with which I’ve ever been involved, the female characters have been the most controversial and divisive. Sometimes…

Breaking Down ‘Designated Survivor’ Episode “Lazarus”

I missed last weeks Designated Survivor, because I was out of town. It was hard for me to miss, because I am obsessed with this show. Every week I sit here, wondering what is going to happen and when we…

Once Upon A Time” 6×16 Roundtable ‘Mother’s Little Helper”’

Still no Captain Swan reunion. *sighs* But hey, at least Gideon isn’t really a bad guy? Silver linings and all. Plus, there was a little Snow/Emma bonding (which is more than we ever get), an honest Rumbelle conversation and a…

Stop & Fangirl Episode 24: When Fandoms Go Toxic

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

The Flash 3×15 Review: 'The Wrath of Savitar'

When it comes to The Flash’s success in the course of this now third season, I’ve always believed that it hit its peak in its freshman season. There was a level of thrill, excitement, and emotional trauma that rivaled most…

Arrow 5×15 Roundtable: ‘Fighting Fire With Fire’

Arrow continues to disappoint in its fifth season with the latest installment coming in “Fighting Fire With Fire,” where we learned Prometheus’ (not-shocking) identity, Thea was sent away, and Oliver became even more annoying than he ever has been. Our…

Supergirl 2×13 Review: ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk’

Love was front and center in this week’s Supergirl, where Kara found herself the object of a crazy man’s affections and dealing with her new romance with Mon-El while Alex and Maggie conquered their first fight together. While Supergirl has…

The Flash 3×05 Roundtable: 'Monster'

A new season of The Flash means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Flash episode. In The Flash‘s fifth episode of season 3, Caitlin Snow took center stage…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 Roundtable: “Heartless”

That was a twist …wasn’t it? Maybe I’d been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe I was just too used to the Evil Queen never getting what she wanted. Either way, Once Upon A Time, six seasons in,…