‘Titans’ 1×10 Review: ‘Koriand’r’

In the penultimate episode of Titans’ first season, fans finally got some answers to their questions about Kory Anders. We now know her mission on earth was not to protect Rachel like she believed. This new information complicates things for Kory,…

‘Titans’ 1×09 Review: ‘Hank and Dawn’

This week’s Titans takes us back to the beginning when Hank and Dawn first met. Taking a break from last week’s cliffhanger, the series has chosen to show us the tragedy that brought this young couple together.  The Original Hawk…

‘Titans’ 1×08 Review: ‘Donna Troy’

This week’s Titans introduced us to a new DC sidekick and one of Dick Grayson’s oldest friends. Donna Troy AKA Wonder Girl made her live action debut in the freshman series and she did not disappoint. Keep on reading to find…

‘Titans’ 1×07 Review: ‘Asylum’

These Titans have been put through the wringer all season, but nothing compares to the torture they go through this week. Before this, we knew that these people cared about each other. After this episode, however, we know how much…

‘Titans’ 1×06 Review: ‘Jason Todd’

This week’s episode of Titans was a tale of two Robins. After appearing in last week’s stinger, Jason Todd comes crashing into Dick Grayson’s life with a case involving Dick’s former family from his days in Haly’s Circus. It turns…

‘Titans’ 1×05 Review: ‘Together’

The Titans finally came together in this week’s episode, and the moment fans have been waiting for was worth the wait. Although this week’s episode was the shortest, clocking in at under 40 minutes, it might have actually been one…

‘Titans’ 1×04 Review: ‘Doom Patrol’

One of DC’s most beloved superhero teams of misfits, The Doom Patrol, finally made their live action debut in Titans. Serving as a backdoor pilot, this latest episode introduced a fun group of unlikely heroes that fans already love. The…

‘Titans’ 1×03 Review: ‘Origins’

This week’s episode picks up just moments before last week’s major cliff hanger. This time we see everything unfold through another’s character’s point of view. Kory has finally caught up to Rachel and she’s willing to do whatever it takes…

‘Titans’ 1×02 Review: ‘Hawk and Dove’

You’ve heard the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Well, Hawk and Dove prefer to fight instead. Sometimes together and other times each other. This week’s episode of Titans introduced two new heroes who did not disappoint. After taking…

'Arrow' SDCC Interview: Beth Schwartz Teases Exploration of Reality with Olicity in Season 7

It’s fitting how as Arrow begins a new chapter in its story that it gets a new showrunner that’s ready to bring her love, knowledge, and passion to the show. Beth Schwartz takes over the reins for departed showrunners Marc…

‘Titans’: First Official Trailer Released

The long-awaited first trailer for the Titans series, set to launch the new DC Universe app later this year, was finally released on Thursday. There’s been plenty of speculation about what this series might bring, and the trailer teases more than…

‘Black Lightning’ 1×04 Review: “Black Jesus”

So, this week, Black Lightning continued to coast on it’s successful run. We got more background on Tobias, the emergence of Thunder and ThunderGrace, and the night wouldn’t have been official without some Jeff/Lynn angst. The Stuff Villains are Made…

‘Arrow’ 6×08 Review: Crisis on Earth-X Part 2

Fair warning, this is going to be a rant. This Crisis on Earth-X has earned it. Trust me, I really wish I could be writing something else. I wish I could be rejoicing at the annual crossover, one of my…

'Arrow' SDCC 2017 Interview: Stephen Amell Teases Olicity, Oliver as a Dad & More

Initially, Arrow was envisioned as a five-year story that told Oliver Queen’s origin from emotionally scarred killer to empowering hero. But with the show establishing itself as the king of the new era of DC Television, allowing for The Flash,…

‘Arrow’: 5 Questions We Want Answered at SDCC 2017

While Oliver Queen’s five-year “island” journey came to an end last season, there’s still plenty of story left to tell for Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, and the rest of our Arrow cast of characters. It’s the close of one chapter, and…

'Arrow' 5×23 Roundtable: 'Lian Yu'

While Arrow has been a disappointment for the majority of season 5, these last several episodes of the season has shown us that Arrow is still capable of solid storytelling and beautiful character exploration. After five seasons telling how Oliver…

'Arrow' 5×23 Review: 'Lian Yu'

Let’s take a look at this week’s DCTV season finale recap: Supergirl, breaks Kara’s heart (and ours) by sending Mon-El away. The Flash, sends Barry away. Arrow, leaves the fates of the entire core cast minus Oliver Queen up in…

'Arrow' 5×22 Roundtable: 'Missing'

Arrow has proven that it’s capable of redemption, which has been the case with these last several episodes of season 5, which has felt like the season 5 we were promised. Arrow‘s penultimate episode touched on all of the things…

'Arrow' 5×23 Extended Trailer Previews Epic Season Finale

Just when you thought the wait for Arrow‘s season finale couldn’t get any longer. The CW has released an extended trailer for the final hour of season 5, which features a ton of new footage from the finale (“Lian Yu”),…

'Arrow' 5×22 Review: 'Missing'

After watching Arrow’s penultimate episode, I feel like I’ve been through a war. An emotional assault that felt so intense yet so good. There was a point where I had to remind myself to breathe because it was so intense.…

'Arrow' 5×21 Roundtable: 'Honor Thy Fathers'

Arrow continues to deliver in its revival tour that progressed with “Honor Thy Fathers,” which took a look at the similarities and differences between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase. It was an episode where Oliver got some real character growth,…