‘Supergirl’ 3×13 Review: ‘Both Sides Now’

It feels like we were living in winter hiatus just yesterday. And yet here we are again headed into another Supergirl hiatus which is more a network blunder than anything. Luckily, this episode didn’t do too much to make the…

‘Supergirl’ 3×12 Roundtable: “For Good”

We’re back with another Supergirl roundtable! This episode, ironically titled, “For Good,” once again had Lena “struggling” with her Luthor side, which we haven’t seen before, ever. (*rolls eyes*). It also had a lot more James, cause hey, now that…

‘Supergirl’ 3×12 Review: For Good

When Alyssa asked me to write this Supergirl review I immediately said yes, because friendship, and then I said ugh because I will admit Supergirl and I have been having issues and I haven’t been exactly keeping up with it.…

'Supergirl' 3×11 Review: ‘Fort Rozz’

Supergirl has proven that it’s at its best when it’s churning out storylines wrought in emotional context. Where it makes the audience feel rather than merely watch. It was something that was prevalent in the opening episodes of this third…

It’s too late to Fix the Floriana Lima Mistake, So Don’t Bring Maggie Back

Big disclaimer here: I’m speaking as a Latina woman who absolutely hates not just the fake representation that Floriana Lima gives me, but the fact that she has spoken about this fact in a less than sensitive way. I understand…

'Supergirl' 3×10 Review: 'Legion of Superheroes'

It’s been six weeks; 42 days; 1,008 hours since Supergirl’s midseason finale, which found Reign victorious and Kara comatose. The only thing worse than a winter hiatus is a summer hiatus, which is five times longer and five times more…

Best Underrated TV Shows of 2017

This year has gone fast, maybe too fast. With 2018 on the horizon and, as we think about all the upcoming shows, we wanted to give a shout out to the best underrated shows of 2017. They’re magnificent series that haven’t…

12 of the Best TV Moments of 2017

For all the heartbreaking and tear inducing moments outlined in our previous article, there are just as many uplifting, beautiful, blissful moments that take our breath away. This year most definitely didn’t disappoint and gave fans some amazing on-screen moments…

Top 21 TV Ship Moments of 2017

We talked ships that made our hearts full before, but right now we want to get more specific, we want to talk moments – those scenes that made our hearts beat faster, our breaths catch and our eyes water. Those…

The Best and Worst of DCTV This Season

Since we’re about halfway through the current seasons of the DCTV shows, it seems a good time to reflect on the best and worst each show has had to offer this year. Well, the second worst, at least. The worst…

'Supergirl' 3×09 Review: ‘Reign’

Supergirl. A symbol of hope. A symbol of courage. A symbol of protection. A symbol of strength.When you think of Supergirl, you think of an invincible warrior dedicated to protecting the innocent and the not-so-innocent. You think of a superhero…

'Crisis on Earth-X' Roundtable

This year’s DCTV mega crossover was the network’s biggest and most controversial to date. Our favorite characters from across the Arrowverse came together for Barry Allen & Iris West’s wedding. But things went from good to bad to worse when…

‘Flash’ & ‘Supergirl’ EP Andrew Kreisberg Fired

It’s about damn time. A little over to weeks ago Andrew Kreisberg, the co-creator/executive producer of The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow, was suspended from his duties over allegations of sexual harassment, and yet, it wasn’t till today that the studio in charge of these…

‘The Flash’ 4×08 Review: ‘Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3’

There aren’t enough good things that can be said about this year’s Arrowverse mega crossover. From my favorite ships journey to marriage to new relationships to the importance of heroes masked or not to the family that has been created…

‘Supergirl’ 3×08 Review: ‘Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1’

As far as crossovers go, in just the first hour of this year’s four-part mini movie, I have full confidence in saying this is my favorite crossover yet. Wedding bells in the air for WestAllen. Olicity cuteness and angst. Karamel…

What We’re Looking Forward To In The Arrowverse Crossover

Four shows. Heroes by the dozen. Two weddings – and a funeral. The producers of Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow have promised a crossover event that’s not just four television shows tied together, but a four-hour movie…

‘Supergirl’ 3×07: “Wake Up” Roundtable

We’re back with another Supergirl roundtable! Just in time for Mon-El’s grand and emotional return, which brought all the angst and all the questions. We’d be lying if we said we weren’t heartbroken. But then again, this is the kind…

‘Supergirl’ 3×07 Review: ‘Wake Up’

Supergirl has proven time and time again that the strength of its show lies not in the super powered abilities of its hero, but in the super powered abilities of the heart, which delivers emotional hours that bring us some…

Hook, Mon-El and Felicity: Ship Bias or Actual Problematic Characters?

To ship or not to ship, to like a character or not like a character. Sometimes, the two are intertwined. And yet, sometimes, the writers make characters into people you absolutely can’t root for, and that colors your idea of…

‘Supergirl’: The Importance of Mon-El’s Ongoing Evolution

As a viewer, I yearn for characters that are flawed. I yearn for characters that have made mistakes yet have made the decision to not let those mistakes define them. I yearn to watch these characters evolve into the people…

‘Supergirl’ 3×06 Review: ‘Midvale’

Early on in Supergirl’s first season, I was searching for something to connect to. Sure, I had the badass, empowering female superhero. But I also craved a relationship to connect with. Usually those tend to be romantic-based because that’s what…