‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Review: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I have so many mixed feelings about this movie. I’ve taken some time to digest it, I’ve discussed my thoughts with several people, and yet …I’m still struggling with how to put into words how I feel. Did I love…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×07 Review: “The Reckoning”

Wow! Just…wow! My fears about The Mandalorian being too episodic and not having enough overarching story are now proven to be completely unfounded. I’ve never been happier to be wrong in my life. Deborah Chow who previously directed the third…

Decade Roundtable: Our Best Ships Of The Decade

Ships. We live and die by them. Ships are amazing and teach us so much about relationships. They teach us about love and life. Our ships of the decade, are mostly – well all around television. We love so many…

Why I love Holiday Baking Shows

Christmas is a fun time for television.  Everyone has their thing: some people love classic Christmas cartoons, others love the classic Christmas films.  My obsession is Holiday baking shows. I love watching cooking shows especially during Christmas time because there…

‘His Dark Materials’ 1×07 Review: The Beginning of The End

For a moment there, His Dark Materials lulled me into a false sense of security. For a moment, I let myself bask in the fact that, although things weren’t perfect, they were looking up. Iorek was now king, Lee was…

We’re Passing Judgement On The Cast of ‘Summer House’

If you think your life is filled with drama, you’ve got nothing going on compared to all of the people that star in a show on Bravo. Those people see drama and latch onto it like a leech. Hell, most…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×06 Review: “The Prisoner”

If you’ll recall, in my last review, I found The Mandalorian to be wanting. While I’ve loved it on the whole, it’s just been moving so. Dang. SLOW. For a while, it seemed like it was following a “monster of…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: 13 Female Characters Who Kicked Ass in 2019

As each year passes, we get the pleasure of seeing more and more women kick ass in both television and movies. 2019 had its fair share of women that have done nothing but prove to us who exactly runs the…

Paragons in ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’

It’s hard to write about this week’s episode of The Flash without talking about the two episodes of Crisis on Infinite Earths that preceded it. But rather than break down the events of each episode, it is important to consider…

Kat McNamara Talks About Mia Smoak Becoming The Green Arrow

I don’t really watch all the DC shows, but I do watch Arrow. I love the show and have really loved the addition of Kat McNamara to the cast. The role of Mia Smoak was one she was born to…

‘His Dark Materials’ 1×06 Review: “The Daemon Cages”

“The Daemon Cages” is the best episode that His Dark Materials has aired so far and the hardest to swallow at the same time. It felt like the culmination of Lyra’s whirlwind adventure to the North with a dash of…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: Our Favorite Movies

2019 in film was an interesting one. We had to say goodbye to a few franchises and some favorite characters. We got maybe too many sequels, even if they wound up being better than the previous one. But we also…

‘Legacies’ 2×08 Photos: “This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent”

I look at these pictures and I know that I would buy some Salvatore School merch if it was available. Seriously, without fail. These photos for “This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent”, the December 12th episode of Legacies have been released.…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×05 Review: “The Gunslinger”

On the whole, I’ve had a blast with The Mandalorian so far. I’ve appreciated the subtle nuances that pay homage to the original trilogy, and other little details within and outside of Star Wars canon. “The Gunslinger” does that very…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: Our Favorite TV Shows of 2019

There are so many different TV shows that premiere and continue throughout the whole year. They bring laughter, joy, sorrow, and tears. The really good ones draw you in and make you connect with what they are really about. They…

‘Legacies’ 2×07 Review: “It Will All Become Painfully Clear Soon Enough”

Even though there is a new episode next week, Legacies Season 2 Episode 7, “It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough” could have been a fall finale. It does not hold back on the twists, turns, and doppelgängers. This…

‘Legacies’ Photos: “It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough”

We’re obsessed with Legacies and make no apologies for it. If you aren’t obsessed, we have to ask you why you aren’t watching it! This weeks episode is entitled, “It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough”, and we’re wondering…

‘Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas’ Review: Where is My Happiness?

The best thing I can say about Freeform’s Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas, it’s that it’s not my kind of movie. That’s a damn shame, considering it stars Aisha Dee, who I’ve loved since Sweet/Vicious and continued to love in…

‘Arrow’ 8×07 Review: “Purgatory”

We’re here again! This week Arrow delights us with “Purgatory,” the best episode of the show. It is a complete hour, full of emotional conflicts, goodbyes, tributes to Oliver’s entire journey and tears because yes, they have managed to move…

Keep Calm, Trope On: Pilots

We all have our favorite and least favorite tropes. From love triangles to slow burns, tropes are often the best ways to showcase great characters and storylines. They can also be frustrating and make you question why it is even…

‘His Dark Materials’ 1×05 Review: “The Lost Boy”

If there’s anything that I know about His Dark Materials “The Lost Boy,” it’s that Will is Lizzie’s favorite character. Let me backtrack. When I first started reading His Dark Materials, there was a name that kept popping up with…