‘Shadowhunters’ 2×11 Review: ‘Mea Maxima Culpa’

Oh, the joys of season (or in this case, mid-season) premieres. They’re always my favourite episodes of every season, because they hold so much promise. I haven’t been worn down by a full season of ridiculousness, bad CGI and cringey…

Watch the Trailer for Freeform’s ‘The Bold Type’

It looks like our next obsession is coming this summer to Freeform! Freeform has unveiled the first full-length trailer for its contemporary drama The Bold Type, which follows the outrageous lives of three friends that work for global women’s magazine…

Watch the Trailer of the New Marvel Series ‘Cloak & Dagger’

Marvel and Freeform have joined forces to bring viewers a different type of superhero series – this time with an interracial teen couple at the forefront with Cloak & Dagger.  Marvel has always pushed the boundaries with their television series, with…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×10 Review: ‘By the Light of Dawn’

I never thought I’d say this, but watching the midseason premiere of Shadowhunters, I actually envied all the show fans who hadn’t read the books. As an episode of a TV Show, By the Light of Dawn was epic. It…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×09 Review: ‘Bound by Blood’

I’m not ready to give up on Shadowhunters. I probably never will, to be honest. I mean, I sat through all of season 1 and did not for one second lose hope that it would one day blossom into a…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×08 Review: ‘Love is the Devil’

If I had to describe Shadowhunters in two words, they would be “wasted potential.” For a show with so much good material to draw from, it seems annoyingly tone-deaf to which book elements will translate well on screen and which…

Pretty Little Liars Fan Theory: Lucas May Be A.D.

There is nothing I love/hate more than trying to figure out who A.D. is on Pretty Little Liars. The show is always dropping clues and they are always going right over my head. I can’t help it. Even thought that…

7 Questions We Have About Shadowhunters “Love Is A Devil”

When we’re getting teased with the possibility of the Climon ship coming – you have piqued our interest. The reason is two fold (1) Alberto Rosende is amazing and deserves a great storyline and (2) Clary and Simon dating changes…

Where’s The Rune To Fix A Broken Fandom?

The Mortal Instruments. Shadowhunters. I was once told that the way to write journalistic essays was to keep your emotions out of things. But when you are writing about fandom, the truth is – it’s fueled by emotion. Everything that…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×07 Review: ‘How Are Thou Fallen’

Slowly but surely, Shadowhunters seems to be finding its stride. In this second season, the cinematography has been good, the acting has gotten much better, the script has improved considerably since the premiere, and the plot isn’t totally dumb anymore.…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×06 Review: ‘Iron Sisters’

I didn’t have high expectations for Iron Sisters, the sixth episode of Shadowhunters season 2. But as I’ve learned over my one year of watching and writing about this show, the lower my expectations, the better the show is probably…

Dear Show Runners – There Was A Huge Issue With This Weeks Shadowhunters

You had a responsibility – one job really, to deliver good TV. No one is asking for great, no one expects Shadowhunters to win Golden Globes. No one expects anything besides a plotline that makes sense and is cohesive, words…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×05 Review: ‘Dust and Shadows’

Shadowhunters is at its best when it focuses on its characters, and Dust and Shadows demonstrated that. The character moments were amazing: Jace and Clary’s chemistry continues to be amazing, Alec just about stole every scene he was in, and…

Shadowhunters Needs to Fix its Shapeshifting Rune

Of all the senseless additions to the Shadow World that Shadowhunters has introduced over its first two seasons, the shapeshifting rune – that useful little mark that allows all our nephilim characters to seamlessly disguise themselves as other people –…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×04 Review: ‘Day of Wrath’

I went into episode four, Day of Wrath, with more hope than I’ve had about Shadowhunters in a very long time. This was the first episode with the new show-runners, who I’d heard pretty good things about. I wasn’t expecting…

Shadowhunters Theory: Who Will Die in ‘Day of Wrath’

So let’s talk next weeks Shadowhunters, because stuff is about to go down. We know from the preview and Shadowhunters social media accounts that Alec is going to do something and that someone is going to die. Now the thing…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×03 Review: ‘Parabatai Lost’

Remember episode three of the first season? I’m not trying to bring up bad memories, I promise. I know nobody could ever forget the total shitshow that was 1×03, or the controversy and drama that arose from it. The point…

Freeform Orders The Bold Type To Series

We’re kind of excited for another Freeform show and it’s not Famous in Love. It’s called The Bold Type (previously titled Issues – and yes, we like Issues better). It’s like people are getting what we want. With So Cosmo…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×02 Review: ‘A Door Into the Dark’

Is it too early to say I’m optimistic? It’s no secret that I was not a big fan of Shadowhunters season 1, aside from a select few storylines. And though the season two premiere showed a lot of promise, that…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×01 Review: ‘This Guilty Blood’

I’m not sure what I expected from the Shadowhunters season two premiere. A small improvement over season one, I guess? I know what I was hoping for. I wanted good character scenes, better cinematography, more consistent world building and more…

Shadowhunters Exclusive: The New Look Of Season 2

Monday marks the return of Shadowhunters on Freeform and we can’t wait. We’re looking forward to everyone seeing the different feel of Season 2 and we have to say some pretty kick ass fight scenes. We’re excited, with our friends…