The Walking Dead 7×05 Review: The Rise of Maggie Rhee

When it really comes down to it, being a leader isn’t a popularity contest or a competition to see who can one up the other with vicious lies. True leadership is the ability to lead by example with humility and…

The Walking Dead 7×04 Review: Service & Negan Mind Games 101

Negan’s special brand of mind games continued in The Walking Dead‘s “Service.” And while the Saviors first visit to Alexandria didn’t go like I expected, aka him killing someone to teach them a lesson about obedience like scared little puppies, he did…

The Walking Dead 7×03 Review: Daryl Will Kneel To Negan…Eventually

Daryl and Dwight are both on a journey of survival where the kind of men they are, aka the armor/shield they use to help them get through life, will lead them down vastly different roads in The Walking Dead’s “The…

7 Things We Loved About The Walking Dead’s “The Well”

Welcome to The Kingdom in The Walking Dead’s “The Well”! This local post-apocalyptic renaissance fair, includes attractions like a man with a tiger named Shiva, a bustling school in a gazebo, choir practice, horse riding, and gardening! Note: Garden has…

My Giant Love/Hate Letter to The Walking Dead

Beware MAJOR Walking Dead spoilers ahead… The Walking Dead is my favorite show to say the very least. Anyone who holds a conversation with me longer than five minutes will learn this very quickly. My love for this show defies anyone’s…

It’s Easy to Say Nothing on The Walking Dead

It’s easy to say nothing. That’s been the prevailing sentiment when it comes to spoilers for The Walking Dead Season 7 at interviews and events like SDCC and NYCC. No spoilers, no hints, nothing to clue us in on what…