'The Flash' 3×20 Review: 'I Know Who You Are'

In a season of The Flash where Barry Allen had become the villain of his own story, ironically that proved to be true in terms of storytelling, as well. After the long, dragged out process of dangling Savitar’s identity in…

'Supergirl' 2×19 Review: 'Alex'

What would you sacrifice for love? That was the core question at the heart of Supergirl’s thriller of an hour titled “Alex,” which as the name implies centered around the search for the kidnapped Alex Danvers and the two women…

‘Arrow’ 5×19 Review: ‘Dangerous Liaisons’

When you’ve been missing something for so long and it finally comes back to you, you experience it as this vast, emotional tidal wave that is as welcoming as it is shocking. You didn’t necessarily expect to find it. But…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 29: The ‘Supergirl’ Example

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

'The Flash' 3×19 Review: ‘The Once and Future Flash’

Given how every time Barry Allen travels to the past to try and right some wrong and he ends up screwing up immensely, you would think that perhaps traveling to the future to try and prevent a tragedy would have…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’: Season 2 review and Season 3 Wishes

Sophomore slump is a term used by TV insiders which refers to a show that goes into it’s second season and, naturally, gets into a slight dip in quality. It does happen to some shows sometimes (some would put The Flash‘s…

'Supergirl' 2×18 Review: 'Ace Reporter'

You don’t realize how much you miss something until it’s gone for four weeks – an entire month! – and are left waiting, wishing, and speculating until its grand return. Supergirl has easily been my favorite DC Comics show on…

First Trailer for SyFy’s ‘Krypton’ Debuts

While SyFy’s Krypton has yet to be ordered to series, a teaser trailer for the Man of Steel prequel has debuted online, and we’re loving what we’re seeing! Years before the Superman legend we know, the House of El was…

11 Reasons Why ‘Supergirl’ is Even Better in Season 2

In a season where DC Comics shows haven’t been at their best, Supergirl has been the class of DCTV this season (alongside Legends of Tomorrow) with a second season that has been all kinds of impressive. Perhaps moving from CBS…

Arrow Promotes Rick Gonzalez & Juliana Harkavy to Series Regulars for Season 6

Arrow introduced several new characters this season, and we’ll be seeing a lot more of two of the newbies come season 6. Rick Gonzalez (Rene Ramirez aka Wild Dog) and Juliana Harkavy (Dinah Drake aka the new Black Canary) have…

Things Get 'Intense' With Oliver & Felicity in Arrow 5×20 Synopsis

This is the episode Olicity fans have been waiting for. And we finally have a synopsis. Only, this isn’t telling us what we don’t already know. In the newly released synopsis for Arrow‘s 20th episode of season 5, titled “Underneath,”…

Calista Flockhart Returning to Supergirl

Just when we thought Supergirl‘s sensational sophomore season couldn’t get any better! Not only has this second season fleshed out what worked well in Supergirl‘s first season, but it also introduced some new faces that has taken the show to…

Arrow 5×18 Roundtable: 'Disbanded'

The most recent episode of Arrow was quite satisfying as it delivered an episode that reminded us of the Arrow we’ve been missing in “Disbanded.” Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, Sarah, and Charles are breaking down the latest episode…

Manu Bennett Returning for Arrow Season 5 Finale

As Oliver Queen’s final showdown against Prometheus approaches, he’ll be forced to team up with unexpected faces that he considers foes. “The alliances are going to be very surprising,” executive producer Wendy Mericle told EW.com. “You’re not going to believe…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×17 Review : “Aruba”

A question I asked myself right before I typed this was: How can I describe this episode of Legends of Tomorrow? So many words come to mind when I think of this season 2 finale: wild, funny, shocking, touching are among the…

What To Expect: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Finale

If there was one show we would give the “Most Improved Show” award, it would hands down be Legends of Tomorrow, which in just one season has righted the wrongs that plagued it in its debut season. Legends went from…

Supergirl: The ABCs of Karamel

Supergirl’s Kara Danvers has spent the past season focusing on embracing her heroic identity. She didn’t think it was possible to have romance and be Supergirl. She never really allowed herself to wonder about having it all, as in professional…

Arrow: Olicity-Centric Episode to Examine State of Their Relationship

Following Oliver and Felicity’s breakup last season, Arrow has failed to explain or explore the reason behind that infamous breakup or the state of their relationship at any point in season 5. Well, it only took 28 episodes, but it…

Arrow 5×18 Review: 'Disbanded'

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Arrow hasn’t been great this season. It hasn’t even been good. For the longest time it felt like it was a lost puppy trying to find its way home. And it finally has. Following…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 2×16 Review: “Doomworld”

In TV, shows in their second seasons are always worried about the “sophomore slump”. For those wondering, that is the phrase used when a show has a subpar second season compared to its really good first season. It makes me…

Arrow 5×17 Roundtable: ‘Kapiushon’

Last Wednesday’s Arrow might’ve been heavy on the past with a slew of flashbacks, but it was all about the present and the future in “Kapiushon.” Our Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Nora, and Sarah are breaking down this week’s Arrow, which has…