‘Outlander’ 4×13 “Man of Worth” Review: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF

We’ve reached the end of another season of Outlander, a season of high highs and low lows, a season where, at times, the show broke mercifully away from the books, and yet in so many important things, it stuck very…

‘Outlander’ 4×12 “Providence” Review: The One Where We Are Bored

Liking a show doesn’t mean being blind to it’s faults, and reviewing a show often means having to look at it from a place of nitpicking instead of a place of just enjoying it. As such, I’m often noticing tiny…

‘Outlander’ 4×11 Review: “If Not For Hope”

There are episodes that can’t be truly called filler episodes – a hell of a lot happened in “If Not For Hope,” but that doesn’t mean the hour was especially thrilling, or that this is one episode you’ll be looking…

‘Outlander’ 4×10 “The Deep Heart’s Core” Review: Those Backward Times

There are plenty of times where, despite the fact that we are watching a show set in the past – a show that even when it was set in the present, it was more than half a century removed from…

TV’s Most WTF moments of the year

Each day that passes becomes more real: there is less than a week left for this year to leave us. Our favorite shows have made us suffer, laugh, enjoy and cry for 365 days. But they have also left us…

‘Outlander’ 4×08 “Wilmington” Review: The Lowest of Lows

Sometimes, they say, after the highest of highs comes the lowest of lows. I wish it weren’t so. I wish we were here to discuss anything but what book readers knew was likely coming in this episode of Outlander, but…

‘Outlander’ 4×07 “Down the Rabbit Hole” Review: Dreaming as the Days Go By

This is probably going to be both a deeply emotional and yet ragey review for Outlander‘s “Down the Rabbit Hole.” And no – in case you’re a book reader – nothing has happened to Brianna to make you avoid this…

‘Outlander’ 4×06 Review: “Blood of My Blood”

We’re back to family again – not that we ever truly stopped focusing on this theme – as Jamie and Claire try to make a home together and find that the past is always up for a visit. And, though…

Our favorite TV Shows of 2018

There’s a lot of good TV out there. No, really, a hell of a lot of good TV, trust me, someone who just had to spiral her way into somehow narrowing this list down. But narrow it I have, with…

‘American Gods’ Season 2 Finally Has a Premiere Date & We’re So Ready!

American Gods, the Starz show based on Neil Gaiman’s critically acclaimed book, is set to return March 10, 2019! The show stars Ricky Whittle as Shadow Moon and Ian McShane as Mr. Wednesday aka Odin. After months of speculation whether…

‘Outlander’ 4×05 “Savages” Review: The Long Journey Home

Some people  – the important people, the one that really and truly leave a mark on your heart – never truly leave you, for even when they’re gone, they remain in your heart, forever.  That is true of Brianna, and it…

‘Outlander’ 4×04 “Common Ground” Review: Family Ties

For all that Outlander is, ostensibly, a love story; family is at the center of all the show has always been. Back in Season one, Claire became Jamie’s wife, not because of love – not at first, but because by…

‘Outlander’ 4×03 “The False Bride” Review: The Pursuit of Happiness

What is happiness? What it does it take to achieve it? Outlander goes into this question as it contrasts an already established Jamie and Claire with a still-figuring-it-out Roger and Brianna, and drops a lot of hints about what’s coming…

‘Outlander’ 4×02 “Do No Harm” Review: The Price of Freedom

Some episodes of TV are hard to watch. In some cases, that’s because we relate to the characters so much that we feel for them. In others, it’s because the story the show is trying to tell touches something deep…

‘Outlander’ 4×01 “America the Beautiful” Review: When My Body Dies, My Soul Will Still Be Yours

How could I start but with that quote? What else that was said in this episode sort of encompasses the whole of this journey – a journey that, just as the season four premiere, titled “America the Beautiful” has been,…

See Behind The Scenes of ‘Outlander’ Season 4

If there is one thing that we are looking forward to it’s the return of Outlander. Jamie and Claire have our hearts, and we’re okay with it. Consider us trash for Outlander. We’re not ashamed. With the season right around the…

‘Outlander’ Season 4 Trailer Released

Jamie and Claire are ready to change the world, or is the world about to change them? Either way, things are certain to change for our favorite couple. And we’re not just talking about the setting. Season 4, which is…

‘Outlander’ Season 4 Gets Premiere Date

Droughtlander is almost over! Season 3 is the past! Outlander Season 4 has an exact premiere date! The time-travel drama will return to Starz on November 4th, which yes, is still more than two months away, but hey, at least we…

Starz ‘Vida’ Casts Raul Castillo & Adrian Gonzalez for Season 2

Raul Castillo and Adrian Gonzalez have been cast for reccuring roles in Starz Vida, a Latinx half-hour show about two sisters, played by Melissa Barrera and Mishel Prada, coming back home after the death of their mother. Raul Castillo is…

So ‘Outlander’ At New York Comic Con? It’s Coming…

Oh New York Comic Con, I will finally enjoy going to you. Why? Because the cast of Outlander will be there and that means that a fandom rejoices and New York Comic Con just became the place to be. Caitriona…

‘Vida’ Renewed for Season 2 at Starz

There’s more Vida in the cards for all of us. Yes, Starz  has renewed the half-hour drama from creator Tanya Saracho. No, we don’t know yet when the show would return or with how many episodes. And yet, right now,…