5 Reasons You Should Be Reading ‘Please Send Help’ by Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

17 LGBTQ+ Books You Should Be Reading This Pride 2019

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘The 100’ 6×06 Review: “Memento Mori”

A stellar episode after a week off, The 100 is back and not pulling any punches We are just about halfway through season six. Already, this season has become one of my favorites. It has reminded me a lot of…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×06 Roundtable: “The Iron Throne”

This is it. “The Iron Throne” is the end of an era, for better or worse. We’re done with the weekly Game of Thrones discussions, and these characters, what they are, and what they can be, are back in GRRM’s…

‘Blindspot’ 4×20 Review: “Coder to Killer”

We’re back, blindspotters! After this hellatus, our favorite show returns with a very irregular transition episode. “Coder to Killer” clearly prepares us for the last two episodes of the season. However, the episode has some errors in terms of development.…

'Cloak & Dagger' 2×09 Review: "Blue Note"

Love and loss. The foundation for pretty much every story out there. They’re two of the most powerful emotions, and in Cloak & Dagger’s penultimate episode, we got to see how those factors influenced the season’s big bad. When you…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×10 Review: “Good Will Hunting”

Typically Whiskey Cavalier is the type of show you watch when you’ve had a bad day, or when you need a pick me up. This is, after all, a light show, one that makes fun of itself more often than…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 4×10 Review: “The Getaway”

Keeping secrets and emotions inside of yourself is one of the hardest things a person can do. Sometimes people want to let them out into the open but you end up keeping them in out of fear or worry. Others…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×06 Review: “Five Spies and a Baby”

Whiskey Cavalier’s “Five Spies and a Baby” saw our fam caring for a little baby, while somehow still looking incredibly hot along the way. You really can tell loads about people from the way they care for those smaller and…

‘American Gods’ 2×04 Review: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”

911? Yes, I’d like to report a crime. Bilquis, Mr. Nancy, and Mr. Ibis have stolen the show on American Gods and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same! *listens to operator* Of course this is serious and important…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×05 Review: You and Me, We Save The World

What even is this show? I’m sitting here thinking about it, and I still have trouble making sense of it. Maybe it’s because TV has set me up with unrealistic expectations for everything, from body image to the pacing of…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×15 Review: ‘To the Night Children’

Another week, another Shadowhunters episode with little to no direction or connection to the overall arc of the season. Did anything really happen in this episode? Not really. Could you have skipped it without missing anything? Probably. Did I expect anything…

‘The Flash’ Episode 5×17 Review: “Time Bomb”

The Flash‘s “Time Bomb” was an interesting episode in that, by itself, it wasn’t terrible. It wasn’t great, either. It was kind of middle-of-the-road. The episode did finally introduce an emotional stake into the major conflicts of the season. But…

‘Shadowhunters’ 2×14 Review: ‘A Kiss From A Rose’

You’d think that at some point I’d stop being surprised by Shadowhunters. I’m not even sure I’m surprised right now. I’m disappointed, yes. I had hoped this show would take a different direction with the various storylines it has introduced…

Why Netflix Needs to Renew ‘One Day At A Time’ Roundtable

A few days ago, One Day At A Time show-runner and overall inspirational woman Gloria Calderón Kellet tweeted the news that Netflix was unsure about renewing the sitcom for a season four, prompting an outpouring of support and a lot…

Why You Should Be Watching ‘Sorry For Your Loss’

Did you know that Facebook offers original streaming content? I know, Facebook has become such an evil in our society lately, and we all collectively want nothing to do with it, which is probably not many knew that Facebook Watch, which…

‘Outlander’ 4×13 “Man of Worth” Review: The Good, the Bad, and the WTF

We’ve reached the end of another season of Outlander, a season of high highs and low lows, a season where, at times, the show broke mercifully away from the books, and yet in so many important things, it stuck very…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×02 Review: “Noise, Noise, Noise”

Deadly Class “Noise, Noise, Noise” was a lesson in learning who not to fuck with. You don’t fuck with Saya because that girl is on point and has your death probably measured and timed already. You don’t fuck with Maria…

‘The Punisher’ Season 2 Review: Same Frank, New Problems

There’s a lot of what we loved in The Punisher Season 1 in Season 2, enough to make the season enjoyable as a whole: Frank being Frank, Madani’s brand of controlled rage, Curtis, Karen, Karen and Frank. There’s just also…

People That Inspired Us In 2018

2018. I can’t say that I am sorry to see this year go. It’s been one of the best and the hardest. It’s been a year that has taught me, personally, about love, loss, strength, and weakness. It’s taught me…

‘Timeless’ Advance Review: “The Miracle of Christmas’ Part 1 & 2”

Here we are, once again. Talking about Timeless. Previewing another episode. I don’t really know how to feel. I’m having a hard time making sense of my emotions. On the one side, I’m incredibly grateful, humbled and happy to have…