Netflix Cancels ‘One Day at a Time’ and We Call Bullshirt!

After weeks of contemplation, Netflix has decided to cancel One Day at a Time. And we’re furious. Correction, we’re livid! One Day a Time told the story of a Cuban single mom living with her two kids, mother, and a…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×08 Review: “Barely Breathing”

Roswell, New Mexico‘s “Barely Breathing” saw the rise of the MVP known as Michael Guerin, Alex standing up to the dumpster fire that is his father, and a race against time to save Isobel from a body that has turned…

‘Deadly Class’ Interview with Liam James on Billy, Domestic Violence, and Found Family

One look at Deadly Class’ Billy and you’d think you’ve got this young man all figured out. You’d make assumptions about him from his hair, his attitude, and his wild & enthusiastic flair. You’d brush him aside and not pay…

‘American Gods’ 2×01 Review: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of “House on the Rock”

Our fears at the fate of American Gods season two have been laid to rest in “House on the Rock.” This premiere, put simply, was awesome. It was just as wild, crazy, and visually stunning as season one was. And…

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Review: Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaeris

We have now reached season 5 of Game of Thrones.  This wasn’t the most exciting season in my opinion or the best, but some very pivotal moments in the story line have happened this season.  With all of our beloved…

‘Supernatural’ 14×14 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Ouroborus”

Supernatural’s “Ouroboros” gave us all the Winchester family feels as Jack said it loud and proud that HE IS A WINCHESTER! Did you guys in the back hear that? OUR NOUGAT SON IS A WINCHESTER. I think my heart grew…

NCISLA: Top 10 Densi Moments

We love Densi, the couple made up of Detective Marty Deeks and NCIS agent Kensi Blye on NCISLA, and with the long-time OTP finally, finally tying the knot, we thought this would be as good a time as any to…

We Need to Talk About the Anti-Gay Assault on ‘Roswell, New Mexico’

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

5 Favorite Moments from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s “He Said, She Said”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s “He Said, She Said” proved that even though this show is a comedy it can still tell, film, and discuss hard hitting stories that matter to us. The #MeToo movement is still in full swing and we love…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×07 Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of “Rise Above”

Jealousy, self preservation, and found family are at the heart of Deadly Class‘ “Rise Above.” Master Gao, Master Lin’s sister, is letting the past weigh her down and strip her of any compassion she might still hold because she’s jealous…

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 4 Review: Trials

If I had one word to describe season 4 of Game of Thrones it would be satisfying. However, I don’t have to choose just one word, because this is my review.  So I would also add awesome, thrilling and flabbergasting. Since…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 1×06 Review: Before and After

“There are moments that define our lives, and there are moments that divide our lives, incidents that divide us into two people, who we were before, and who we will be, after. Forever,” Max says in a voice-over as the…

Why Netflix Needs to Renew ‘One Day At A Time’ Roundtable

A few days ago, One Day At A Time show-runner and overall inspirational woman Gloria Calderón Kellet tweeted the news that Netflix was unsure about renewing the sitcom for a season four, prompting an outpouring of support and a lot…

‘Roswell’ 1×05 Roundtable: “Don’t Speak”

As always, Roswell, New Mexico made us feel all the things in its fifth episode of the season, titled “Don’t Speak.” Will there ever be a time when this show doesn’t throw a twist or five our way? Honestly, we…

‘Deadly Class’ Maria Gabriela de Faria Talks Importance of Mental Health and Telling Latinx Stories

Maria Salazar is a hero. Yes, she might be an assassin at a deadly school called Kings Dominion. And yes, she did just kill Chico, aka the love of her life and the bane of her existence. But that doesn’t…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×05 Review: “Saudade” aka The Trippiest Episode You’ve Ever Seen!

Maria takes a hold of her freedom, Billy seeks the ultimate revenge, and Marcus trips out hard in the highly anticipated episode “Saudade” of Deadly Class. It’s a turning point for all of our faves, a moment in time that…

Fangirlish Does Valentine’s Day: Our Favorite OTPs

We all have them, those fictional couples that make our hearts beat faster, that make us smile and cry and just feel all the things  – be it because the actors ooze chemistry, because we can relate to some parts…

5 Stages of Grieving Danai Gurira’s Exit from ‘The Walking Dead’

The Walking Dead and Black Panther star will be exiting the hit AMC series that sky rocketed her to stardom in season 10 according to The Hollywood Reporter. Under her new deal she will be in a handful of episodes in…

‘Blindspot’ 4×12 Review: “The Tale of the Book of Secrets”

We’re here again, blindspotters! After a week, our favorite show came back with episode 4×12 “The Tale of the Book of Secrets,” an hour that has brought emotions to the surface, breaking our hearts and rebuilding them. With a rhythm…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×03 Review: “Snake Pit”

Deadly Class’ “Snake Pit” sees the legacies lose ground and face because of the community that Marcus, Saya, Willie, Maria, and the rest of the “Rats” make up. These losers, these outsiders, are family in a way that none of…

‘Deadly Class’ 1×02 Review: “Noise, Noise, Noise”

Deadly Class “Noise, Noise, Noise” was a lesson in learning who not to fuck with. You don’t fuck with Saya because that girl is on point and has your death probably measured and timed already. You don’t fuck with Maria…