Jonathan Bailey Roles To Watch

Everyone’s newest crush Jonathan Bailey has been on our minds forever (okay maybe since Bridgerton). Here’s what to watch Jonathan in next.

The Jonas Brothers’ Best Songs To Remind You Why We Needed A Reunion

The Jonas Brothers have a lot of great songs. We try to break down their essentials to celebrate the fact that they’re back together.

‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ Reveals New Character

Tyroe Muhafidin joins The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power as the new character Theo. Also an extra character picture was dropped.

Top 5 Sandra Bullock Romantic Comedies

Everyone loves Sandra Bullock in a romantic comedy, right? At least we do. Here are some of our favorites for a night of rewatching!

Lizzo’s Watch Out for the Big Grrrls Is A Reminder To Love Yourself

Lizzo’s Watch Out For The Big Grrls is a high stakes dance competition with a whole lot of heart and body positivity.

‘Upload’ 2×06 Review: “The Outing”

Well we can kinda see why Ingrid is the way she is, because her mama is a straight up b**ch. Read our review of #Upload’s 6th episode

‘Upload’ 1×05 Review: “Mind Frisk”

The most undervalued character in #Upload is Aleesha. She is all of us and we should appreciate her as the goddess she is.

‘Upload’ 2×03 Review: “Robin Hood”

For once, Ingrid is tolerable. But then again, it’s not really Ingrid, so that has helped.

‘Upload’ 2×01 Review: “Welcome Back, Mr. Brown”

Well, #Upload has sure set it up so that there will be a lot of chaos and misunderstandings and we’re here for it.

Focus 20th Anniversary Celebration: New Logo, New Reel 20 Best Movies in 20 Years

Focus Features celebrates its 20th anniversary! And we’re joining the party with a list of the movie studio’s best movies in 20 years

12 Romance Movies To Watch On Valentine’s Day

If you’re not sure what romance flicks you want to watch this Valentine‘s Day, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorites.

‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ Character Details Revealed

We’re one step closer to ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ with new details to who these hands belong to.

‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ Character Posters (with a Twist) Revealed

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has dropped a set of photos teasing what’s to come for the future of this series.

Two Ana de Armas Fans Sue Universal Over ‘Yesterday’

Two fans are suing Universal over the movie Yesterday — which they rented because of Ana de Armas — who was ultimately cut.

The Most Visually Stunning Shakespeare Adaptations

The English playwright William Shakespeare made plays out of poetry during the Elizabethan era so it’s no wonder his works are frequently adapted into films. All aspects of the production design can unite to create an overall pleasing experience for…

Fangirlish 2021 End of the Year Lists: Shows We’re Looking Forward to in 2022

Oddly enough, we can already look forward to 2022 and all the stories that await us on the small screen. Read on to see if your most anticipated shows made our list!

10 Underrated Movies of 2021

There is only so much time and so many movies to see that maybe you missed some this year. Check out our list of underrated movies of 2021!

The Cast Of ‘Something From Tiffany’s’ Shapes Up Nicely

Shay Mitchell and Zoey Deutch in a movie together is everything we never knew that we needed, but we do.

Fangirlish 2021 End of Year Lists: Women Who Kicked Ass In 2021

Looking back on 2021, one of the year’s highlights was the number of women who kicked ass. Granted, that’s not really different than any other year…But we love consistency. So, let’s take a look back at some of our favorite…

Fangirlish 2021 End of the Year Lists: Our Favorite Female Friendships

If you have read any of my TV or movie reviews here on the site, you know that positive female friendship is one of my favorite things in any story. 2021 had many awesome female friendship moments. Here are ten of our staff’s favorites from 2021.

Fangirlish 2021 End of the Year Lists: Our Favorite Films of the Year

Movies helped us escape the fact that the pandemic continued this year. 2021 was full of films to love and here are our favorites!