Paul McCartney: Saying Nothing Is Not An Option

I have always loved Paul McCartney. I grew up on The Beatles and have always appreciated their music. The singer took to Twitter to express his thoughts on the worldwide protests and the call for justice following the death of…

Ryan Guzman Upsets 9-1-1 Co-Stars by Using Racial Slurs

Ryan Guzman is probably best known for playing Eddie Diaz on Fox’s incredibly popular 9-1-1. At least until this week. On Sunday he became famous for a completely different reason: he admitted on Instagram Live that he uses racial slurs…

Lea Michele Apologizes For Being A Shitty Person

Lea Michele. I’ll be the first to admit that I am not her biggest fan. I feel like she says shit and thinks she’s above reproach. And then when she’s called out on her shit, she makes half assed, I…

Instagram Poetry: Do’s and Don’ts of the Craft

Getting started when it comes to Instagram and poetry, isn’t an easy thing. There’s a lot of nervousness and worry when it comes to posting work that comes from the heart. And sometimes it seems like a hill that you…

Kendall Jenner Talks About Her Anxiety

Mental Health. You’ll hear us talk a lot about it – because it’s always important to talk about, but right now – more than ever. Whatever you think about the Kardashian/Jenner’s – I personally think they are smart business people.…

Andrew Garfield Talks About Staying Connected

Right now is a lonely time. We are living in a time of isolation and distance. And it’s hard. Andrew Garfield is working with the Child Mind Institute’s #WeThriveInside campaign, and is talking about checking in with people and prioritizing…

Olympian Laurie Hernandez Talks About The Verbal Abuse She Endured From A Coach

It’s all too often these days that we hear about the horrors athletes have gone through to achieve the their dreams. It’s heartbreaking and one has to wonder who is protecting these kids. Olympian Laurie Hernandez opened up on Instagram…

Lili Reinhart Tweets About Twitter Trolls And We Stan

Cancel culture is one of the most fucked up things in the world. Twitter is a vile place that can take the life out of you. It’s a place where a bunch of people sit behind their computer screens with…

Cole Sprouse Puts Some People On Their Place and We Applaud

We all have fantasies. You can lie to your friends and I can lie to mine, but lets not lie to ourselves. We all have fantasies and when it comes to a celebrity that we find attractive – let us…

Jeremy Irvine Is Helping People Out As A Tutor… Kinda

I am all about learning. I’ve been taking a lot of time during this quarantine to do just that. But hey, I will be the first to say that I am over school. However, if Jeremy Irvine was my tutor,…

Mandy Moore Performs A Song From ‘A Walk To Remember’

Mandy Moore will forever be an idol. One that I absolutely admire and love. One of my favorite rolls that she ever took on was in A Walk to Remember. Can we all agree that movie was one of the…

Mark-Paul Gosselaar Gets Eggs From An Unexpected Place

Going out for food is something that I don’t want to have to do again for a long time. Like, no joke. You’d laugh cause my fridge is equipped so that I can survive on coffee if need be. But…

Selena Gomez Talks About Her Bipolar Diagnosis

Talking about mental illness isn’t easy. There is still a stigma that surrounds mental illness, and when people hear the words “bipolar disorder”, they don’t always think the best. I have bipolar disorder and have been called such things as…

You Can Meditate With Chris Hemsworth

I am not one for meditation – well I wasn’t until I quarantine and I am trying to find ways to make it through. Stress is something that I think we are all experiencing right now. I try and use…

Lili Reinhart Talks About How She Approaches Instagram

Social Media is a place where everyone seems to want to make like look all put together. But life isn’t put together. No ones life is perfect or even close. But celebrities – well a lot of them – always…

Ellen Pompeo Asks You To Stay Home

Stay inside. Stay home. It seems so simple, something that everyone would understand. But it seems to be the hardest thing for people to do. Stay home. You are saving peoples lives if you STAY HOME. There a medical professionals…

Ryan Reynolds Reacts To Tom Holland Challenge

Quarantine is causing a shift in the things that we all do and that’s okay. It’s probably all better for us. You know, beside the Quarantine 15. But Tom Holland has provided me some entertainment that I didn’t know I…

The Gift Tom Cruise Gave A ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Co-Star

Now my boss is an amazing gift giver and I appreciate her whole heartedly. She’s one of the most giving people in the world. But hey, I will say this – Tom Cruise outdid her. Now, it’s not a gift…

Hailey Bieber Talks About The Thing People Say On The Internet

Social media is a scary place. It can be used for good, but lets all be honest here – it’s not always the case that it is used for good. In todays society trolls make the internet a hard place…

What The Twitterverse Is Saying About ‘Spinning Out’

If you’ve followed us for awhile you know – we obsess over things and we obsess hard. The latest for us is going to be Spinning Out. We’d like to apologize for all of the talking that we are going…

Lin Manuel Miranda Is the Twitter Therapist we all Need

Some people are just inspiring. Maybe by their actions, their words, their kindness, or all of those convined, they radiate positivity and push others to reach their goals. Lin Manuel Miranda, the mastermind behind the Broadway hit Hamilton, is such…