‘Blindspot’: Sneak Peek + News

Only one day left to enjoy a new Blindspot episode! We can almost taste the new mysteries that our favorite show has prepared for us. As an appetizer for the episode, here’s a sneak peek that shows us a little of…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×07 Review: The Prodigal Son Returns

Ten minutes into this episode of Designated Survivor, I thought, well, maybe the show is on an upswing. Twenty minutes in, I thought, this may very well be the best episode of the season. Thirty minutes in I said yay,…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×06 Review: “Helen Hunt” (No, not that one)

Small note before I start my review of this week’s Legends of Tomorrow episode: With the news of what scumbag Andrew Kreisberg did,  and the various responses by cast and crew members over the Arrowverse, we just want to say…

‘The Shannara Chronicles’ 2×07 & 2×08 Review: Warlock & Amberle

The Shannara Chronicles “Warlock” and “Amberle” was a lesson in how love and letting go of the past can strengthen you for what’s to come. In the face of insurmountable evil, each and every single one of our heroes is going…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 42: Like What You Like

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

‘The Flash’ 4×06 Review: ‘When Harry Met Harry’

Considering the events that have transpired over this past week involving executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, The Flash couldn’t have timed its latest episode, “When Harry Met Harry,” any worse. The sexual assault allegations against Kreisberg have prompted feedback from a…

Regarding the Recent Allegations in Hollywood: We Believe You

Regarding the recent allegations in Hollywood, I would like to make one thing very clear. To each and every one of you, you are my heroes. You have strength you thought was weakness, you have bones made of steel and…

‘Supergirl’: The Importance of Mon-El’s Ongoing Evolution

As a viewer, I yearn for characters that are flawed. I yearn for characters that have made mistakes yet have made the decision to not let those mistakes define them. I yearn to watch these characters evolve into the people…

‘The Brave’ 1×08 Review: Stealth

“You know, Top, working undercover taught me that the best way to manipulate people is to nudge them to act according to their own nature. With this plan, you’re counting on the Spetsnaz to be good at their job. You’re…

'The Flash' 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.Our…

‘The Flash’ 4×05: “Girls Night Out” Roundtable

We’re back with another The Flash roundtable! And what perfect timing with an episode that addressed female friendships and showed us that, yes, there’s some progress being made on that front. But we do have a long way to go.…

‘Supergirl’ 3×06 Review: ‘Midvale’

Early on in Supergirl’s first season, I was searching for something to connect to. Sure, I had the badass, empowering female superhero. But I also craved a relationship to connect with. Usually those tend to be romantic-based because that’s what…

‘The Gifted’ 1×07 Review: Crossing Lines

When it’s on, The Gifted is a compelling show whose whole premise puts them in the perfect place to deliver pointed and necessary social commentary, especially in a world where, every day, it seems like, mutants or not, prejudice is…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×04 Review: Some Guy

Carol continues her streak of badassery, Ezekiel is at a crossroads, and I’ve finally come to understand the necessity of all these battles and gun fights in The Walking Dead’s “Some Guy.” It’s hard to believe that we’re only on episode four…

'Supergirl' 3×05: “Damage” Roundtable or, Why Sanvers Deserved Better

This week we’re back with a special Supergirl roundtable dedicated to Sanvers. This couple has come so far and we’re sad to see it end in heartbreak, not because we ship it like crazy, which we do, but because they…

‘Supergirl’ 3×05: “Damage” Roundtable or, Why Sanvers Deserved Better

This week we’re back with a special Supergirl roundtable dedicated to Sanvers. This couple has come so far and we’re sad to see it end in heartbreak, not because we ship it like crazy, which we do, but because they…

‘Outlander’ 3×09 Review: “The Doldrums”

We’ve hit the high seas on Outlander and we’re already off to a rocky start. This week’s episode picks up where last week’s left off. Young Ian has been captured and is being taken to Jamaica. So of course, Jamie and…

‘Blindspot’ 3×03 Review: “Upside Down Craft”

We’re here again for one more week, Blindspot fans! “Upside Down Craft” was awesome. There was a lot of action, great Jeller scenes, a fantastic dynamic between the team, and … the secret between Ritch and Patterson has been revealed! In addition,…

‘Supernatural’ 13×05 Review: Advanced Thanatology

Dean Winchester broke our hearts, Castiel returned, and Sam tried to help his big brother in Supernatural‘s “Advanced Thanatology.” For a while we knew how much Castiel and Mary’s death hurt Dean. But we never expected it to come to…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×07 Review: ‘The Kilgannon Corporation’

Last night’s emotional tour de force “The Kilgannon Corporation” was the best episode The Blacklist has ever done, and no I’m not exaggerating. The characters were perfectly balanced, the writing was spectacular, the plot was intense and emotional, and the…

‘Arrow’ 6×05 Review: ‘Deathstroke Returns’

While Arrow’s sixth season has managed to get the show back to its winning formula, its fifth hour has failed this fan. I have to say, any episode that succeeded last week’s incredible hour was bound to be a letdown…