The Final ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Trailer is Here

So, the one question I have is, did you watch football to catch it live or did you just wait for it to pop up online? Watching football is anything but a chore for me, but I understand it is…

#FemaleFilmmakerFriday: 5 Reasons You Should Know C Fitz

C Fitz is probably one of those filmmakers you could recognize if we were in the kind of world who gives filmmakers the credit they deserve. She’s, at the very least, the kind of woman in Hollywood you would know…

A Tale of Two Suspirias

The writing staff at Fangirlish can get into some deep discussions when it comes to film and television. Jasmine and Ashley started talking about their love and hate for Dario Argento’s 1977 Suspiria and its 2018 Luca Guadagnino reboot a…

‘Children of Blood and Bone’ Moves Under Lucasfilm Banner

If you haven’t read Tomi Adeyemi’s Children of Blood and Bone, then you need to head to the bookstore and pick it up. The book is one of the best books that we’ve read. Fox had previously optioned the book,…

Our Most Anticipated Female-Led Films

Start saving that movie ticket money now, because you’re going to need it. We here at Fangirlish love movies. It’s a fact. What we love even more though, is a good female driven film.  We also love female driven films…

Why is “Fangirl” a Dirty Word?

Have you ever been a fan? Have you ever loved a show, movie or a book so much that you just couldn’t wait to find out what happens? Yes? Okay, so why is the term “Fangirl” (or “Fanboy”, I don’t…

9 Women Centric Panels You Should Attend During SDCC 2019

In an effort to keep you informed about the women oriented content available at San Diego Comic Con 2019, here are 9 panels that you should check out, bring a friend to, and enjoy when the epic convention finally gets…

Everything We’re Looking Forward to at Comic Con 2019

Next week, the biggest pop culture convention on Earth touches down in San Diego. Fans across the world are looking forward to the plethora of TV and movie news that’s sure to drop there —  us included! So while we…

Why you should read ‘Black Enough: Stories of being young & black in America’

Over the years I have read a few books on what it means to be black in America. It occurred to me I hadn’t really read many about what it means to be young and black in America. That was…

‘Krypton’ 2×02 Review: ‘Ghost in the Fire’

Krypton takes fans on a wild ride this episode and it’s all because of our favorite main man: Lobo! Brace yourselves because a lot of this review is going to feature my undying love for him. He’s earned it. Let’s…

Here’s When You Can Bring ‘Dumbo’ Home

I always love bringing a live action movie home. Well any move that is. My iTunes is filled with a ton of movies and I feel like I never have to do anything but carry my iPad with me so…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×06 Roundtable: “The Iron Throne”

This is it. “The Iron Throne” is the end of an era, for better or worse. We’re done with the weekly Game of Thrones discussions, and these characters, what they are, and what they can be, are back in GRRM’s…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×05 Roundtable: “The Bells”

Oh, Game of Thrones. How I wish you were anything but what you are. Or, at least, how I wish you’d chosen another path instead of this one. Let’s call this the roundtable of disappointment. Last week we were angry,…

The ABCS Of Understanding and Reaching Fandom

Fandom is a complicated beast, but we love it. Want to understand how to reach fandom? We break it down for you.

Fangirlish Does Valentine’s Day: Our Favorite OTPs

We all have them, those fictional couples that make our hearts beat faster, that make us smile and cry and just feel all the things  – be it because the actors ooze chemistry, because we can relate to some parts…

15 Movies We’re Looking Forward to in 2019

2019 promises to be a year full of fun, fantastic, and action packed movies for the adventurer, kid, or risk taker inside of us. From Avengers: Endgame to How to Train Your Dragon 3, there will be plenty of welcome…

Disney Planning Loki, Cassian Andor Limited Series

The only possible reaction to the news that Disney is planning not just a Loki series, with Tom Hiddleston set to reprise his role as the God of Mischief, but a Cassian Andor series, with Diego Luna also set to…

7 Life Lessons We Learned from ‘The Spy Who Dumped Me’

The Spy Who Dumped Me understands that women want action, friendship, love, drama, and characters to invest in that go against boring & overused stereotypes. Oh and that love part, it’s not with the guy from Outlander. Nope. The LOVE…

Cast of ‘Episode IX’ Announced – With One Big Surprise

A galaxy far, far away is not done with Carrie Fisher. Not that any of us could ever be. Today, Star Wars announced the official cast for the yet untitled Episode IX. With it came the confirmation that the role…

‘Timeless’ 2×09/2×10 Roundtable: “The General”/”Chinatown” Part 2

Here we are again, with the last of our Timeless feels for Season 2. What a joyful, strange, bumpy ride it’s been. But we made it. You made it. Now we just have to wait and see if NBC wants…

10 Movies to Watch With Mom This Mother’s Day

Happy Mothers Day! Our day to get the recognition we deserve is almost here and I am so excited to see my homemade art project made of clay and finger paint and my Starbucks gift card. (Sarcasm guys) I don’t…