Decade Roundtable: Best Movie Actor of the Decade

In a decade that was dominated by Marvel, Star Wars, and well… everything Twilight – one can’t be shocked that the people that we have chosen as the best movie actors of the decade mainly fall under those. We have…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×08 Review: “Redemption”

The finale of The Mandalorian had what I’ve been waiting for all season–background on Mando, even with the long awaited reveal of his actual name, and the removal of his helmet as well. Jam-packed with action, a bit of intrigue,…

Fangirlish End of Year Lists: Movies We’re Looking Forward To In 2020

2019 is quickly coming to a close, and this year gave us many great films.  We stepped back into the Marvel Universe with Avengers: Endgame, we fell in love and had our hearts shattered watching After, Us taught us that…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Ships of the Year

Oh, to love love. It’s that time of the year again, the time to look back at the fictional couples that made us smile, the ones that made us sigh and aww. The ones that made our hearts aflutter, and…

Decade Roundtable: The Ship That Should Have Set Sail, But Didn’t

We will always live and die for our ships. We make no excuses, no apologies for it. But when it comes to ships – like most things in life – it’s subjective. You don’t choose the ship, the ship chooses…

Hey Hollywood, WOC Are Not Interchangeable

The Year of our Lord 2019 is almost over, and apparently, this still needs to be said. Women of color are not interchangeable. Now, of course, the problem of bad representation is big, and there are many facets to it.…

‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Review: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I have so many mixed feelings about this movie. I’ve taken some time to digest it, I’ve discussed my thoughts with several people, and yet …I’m still struggling with how to put into words how I feel. Did I love…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×07 Review: “The Reckoning”

Wow! Just…wow! My fears about The Mandalorian being too episodic and not having enough overarching story are now proven to be completely unfounded. I’ve never been happier to be wrong in my life. Deborah Chow who previously directed the third…

End of a Decade Roundtable: What Are Our Favorite Movies Of The Last 10 Years?

It’s almost 2020 and we can’t wait to see what a new decade brings. But as the new year approaches and a new decade starts, we are looking back on the past decade. Movies have been a big part of…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×06 Review: “The Prisoner”

If you’ll recall, in my last review, I found The Mandalorian to be wanting. While I’ve loved it on the whole, it’s just been moving so. Dang. SLOW. For a while, it seemed like it was following a “monster of…

Fangirlish Best of 2019: 13 Female Characters Who Kicked Ass in 2019

As each year passes, we get the pleasure of seeing more and more women kick ass in both television and movies. 2019 had its fair share of women that have done nothing but prove to us who exactly runs the…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×05 Review: “The Gunslinger”

On the whole, I’ve had a blast with The Mandalorian so far. I’ve appreciated the subtle nuances that pay homage to the original trilogy, and other little details within and outside of Star Wars canon. “The Gunslinger” does that very…

Fangirlish Best of 2019 Lists: Our Top Fandoms Of The Year

Fandom. It’s something that we all take part in if you think about it. Some fandom is entertainment, some is lifestyle, some is food, so on and so forth. Fandom is defined as “the state or condition of being a…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×04 Review: “Sanctuary”

So, I’ve done my best to hold myself in. This is my fourth review when it comes to The Mandalorian, and I feel like I’ve done well so far, but I can no longer contain myself. BABY YODA IS THE…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×03: “The Sin” Roundtable

We’re still having a blast with The Mandalorian here at Fangirlish. In case you missed it, check out our review of this week’s episode, “The Sin,” and then take a glimpse at what are staff thinks about the latest episode below! 1).…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×01 & 1×02 Roundtable

The verdict on The Mandalorian is quite positive thus far among the Star Wars fans around the Fangirlish writer’s room. (ICYMI: here are our reviews for episode one and episode two). Check out what our crew has to say about the…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×02 Review: “The Child”

The Mandalorian is sticking to its guns (or blasters, rather) with the latest installment in the saga, “The Child.” In my review of “Chapter One,” I pointed out that Star Wars has a history of blending elements from different genres.…

‘The Mandalorian’ 1×01 Review: “Chapter 1”

Star Wars has been a source of controversy for many folks in recent memory, but with Disney+’s opening and The Mandalorian’s premiere, I believe we’ve come to the bridge that will bring fans of the original and sequel trilogies together.…

What the ‘Timeless’ Characters Would Dress As for Halloween

We all love Halloween, and we love dressing up. And yet, the funny thing is, for a show like Timeless, the characters got to dress up so many times, as they went from era to era, that would they really…

The Final ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Trailer is Here

So, the one question I have is, did you watch football to catch it live or did you just wait for it to pop up online? Watching football is anything but a chore for me, but I understand it is…

#FemaleFilmmakerFriday: 5 Reasons You Should Know C Fitz

C Fitz is probably one of those filmmakers you could recognize if we were in the kind of world who gives filmmakers the credit they deserve. She’s, at the very least, the kind of woman in Hollywood you would know…