Binge Watching vs. Weekly Episodes: What Do You Prefer?

From watching a TV show live to binge-watching, fans consume television in so many different ways. Binge-watching seems to be a lot of people’s go to choice. Not having to wait week after week for an episode is a dream…

‘The 100’ 3×15 Roundtable: Perverse Instantiation Part One

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down The 100 penultimate…

‘The 100’ 3×12 Roundtable: Discussing ‘Demons’

Every week, Fangirlish writers (and sometimes guests) sit down to discuss new episodes of The 100. We share our thoughts, feelings, and speculations on everything and anything in what we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down episode…

What’re You Reading: Simon Lewis From ‘Shadowhunters’

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps and…

See The Trailer for ‘Kubo and the Two Strings’

We’re all about movies – even when we can’t see our favorites faces in them. Cause guys lets admit that sometimes it’s all about that voice. Kubo and the Two Strings features some stellar voice talent including Art Parkinson, Matthew…

International Women’s Day: TV Ladies who rock

It’s International Women’s Day, and though we here at Fangirlish would like to congratulate all the beautiful, strong ladies that read us, we’d also like to celebrate the strong women we all look up to. International Women’s Day is about…

Movie Review: 'Deadpool' is Brave, Hilarious and Uttery Unique

If you haven’t heard about Deadpool this weekend, you must have been living under a rock. The most successful R-rated film was on everyone’s lips as couples opted out of the usual romancy schmancy movie date and traded it with…

Exclusive Interview with ‘Agent Carter’ Composer, Christopher Lennertz

The moment when a character is running for their life or a couple we adore are finally getting together, it usually permeated by a music. Some chords, struck together to cause a reaction out of us – anxiety, fear, warmth,…

‘Supergirl’ 1×10 Review: Sins of the Father

While I appreciate that a show called Supergirl is centered around our titular hero, Kara, it’s nice when we get episodes that allow us to explore other characters that make up this ensemble show. One of the characters that I’ve…

3 Life Lessons We Learned from the ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Trailer

The X-Men: Apocalypse trailer has arrived just in time to shake things up for the X-Men. Why not talk about the life lessons we learned from it.

5 Reasons You Should Watch HBO’s ‘Succession’

Not watched any season of Succession yet? Here are several reasons why the show is the best thing on TV right now!

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 4×06 Review: “Kiss From A Rose”

Roswell, New Mexico 4×05 gave us what we were waiting for. Unfortunately, we took a few steps back in episode 4×06 “Kiss From A Rose.”

‘The Wheel of Time’ 1×05 Review: “Blood Calls Blood”

There’s a false Dragon in the city, and perhaps the true one, too. All travelers converge in Tar Valon in “Blood Calls Blood.”

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited For ‘Good Sam’

We couldn’t be more excited about the new CBS series, Good Sam. Starring Sophia Bush, here are four reasons why.

‘The Wheel of Time’ 1×01 Review: “Leavetaking”

Avid watchers of genre shows know you always have to commit to 4 episodes. It didn’t take that many for The Wheel of Time.

‘Eternals’ Director Chloe Zao Talks About Harry Styles Casting

Though they tried to keep it a secret, the world knew that #harrystyles was joining the #MCU. But how did that come to be?

The Success of ‘Money Heist’ From A Non – Viewer POV

Money Heist series finale is very close! What is the key to its success? Let’s analyze it from the POV of someone who don’t watch the show.

Kit Harrington Talks About Being A Dad

Being a parent isn’t easy, but it is a great job. Kit Harrington opened up about being a Dad and how draining it can be!

Netflix’s ‘Untold’ – Worth Binging or Nah?

Untold tells the stories of some of the most decisive moments in sports history – from the controversial hockey team known as The Danbury Trashers, to a brawl at the Palace and a tennis player fighting his own brain, to…

‘Gossip Girl’ Fashion Line? 22 Unique Looks? TAKE OUR MONEY!

Well, well Upper East Siders, are you looking to fit in? Don’t worry your pretty little heads – we know exactly what you need. xoxo

A-Z Movie Reviews: ‘A Little Princess’

Welcome to A-Z Movie Reviews.  Every Sunday, for the next several months, I will be posting a review of a film in my home movie collection.  How it works is, I will be reviewing movies in alphabetical order until I…