Who Was Upped To Series Regular on ‘Pretty Little Liars’?

It’s really not a big shock to us that Andrea Parker has been upped to…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 5×13 Panel: “Labor of Love”

Hello, Oncers! It feels nice to get back in the swing of having new episodes, new things to discuss. It also feels nice to have Snow White, the original character we fell in love with, back in our screens. We…

Keegan Allen Wants Spencer and Toby To Be End Game Too

This season of Pretty Little Liars came and went quickly, which is both a good and a bad thing. A good – because we got to see all the goodness. A bad because we’re one step closer to the end.…

Harry Styles Gave Fifth Harmony Some Pretty Solid Advice

Harry Styles gives good advice apparently. I mean we can see it happening. Not that we know him well enough to go to him for advice, but if we did, we would totes call him up for advice. The singer…

6 Quotes that Make Marcus Kane a Leader

Marcus Kane of The 100 started off as the scapegoat antagonist. He was meant to distract, to make us think we knew the kind of man he was from the start. It wasn’t long until we realized he was so…

Let's Get Ready for 'Marvel's Daredevil' Season 2

We are just a couple of hours away until Marvel’s Daredevil season two is released on Netflix, so we thought we would do a bit of a roundup of what we know is coming up and what we have to…

What’re You Reading: Jessica Jones from 'Marvel's Jessica Jones'

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides,…

Amazon Prime Releases New ‘Outlander’ Trailer

It’s days like this that we live for – when we get a new Outlander trailer. Amazon Prime UK has released a new action packed trailer for season 2 of the hit Starz show. The trailer really makes you sit…

Game of Thrones: Jon Snow death scene script released

And you thought you were done having Jon Snow feels. (Or, you didn’t, because, you, like us, think he’s not staying permanently dead) Either way, this is an unexpected sucker punch. For the first time, HBO has made available the…

Fansportish: It’s Time We Acknowledge The Existence of Women’s Sports

Two years ago, I remember watching in terrified silence as the seconds ticked down in a one-goal game my Canadian girls were about to lose to their American rivals. I remember screaming in joy when Marie-Philip Poulin scored the tying…

‘Shadowhunters’ 1×10 Recap: ‘This World Inverted’

The alternate dimension has become a bit of a TV cliché. Once Upon A Time did it last year with the Heroes and Villains book. The Flash did it this year with their Earth-2 storyline. Even Supergirl had a whole…

'Legends of Tomorrow' 1×08 Roundtable: Discussing 'Night of the Hawk'

Every week, Fangirlish writers will be discussing new episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and sharing their thoughts, feelings, and speculation about the hour’s hot topics in a little something we like to call Fangirlish Roundtables. Today, we’re breaking down…

‘Once Upon A Time’: Open letter regarding Outlaw Queen

Robin Hood is one of my all time-favorite fictional characters. Regina is one of my favorite Once Upon A Time ones. So, when I first heard of the idea to pair these two together, I will admit, I was happy.…

Why Black Canary Can Certainly Die on ‘Arrow’

When it comes to season-long mysteries, no one has done it quite like Arrow this season with a grave mystery that has kept viewers intrigued and involved since the season four premiere back in October. That’s what happens when you…

‘Once Upon A Time’: Sam Witwer and Hank Harris land roles

Once Upon A Time is going insane? We really don’t have any actual speculation on what’s coming this time – we’re just here to bring the news. And the news is this: Deadline is reporting that Sam Witwer and Hank Harris…

Wait… Mariah Carey Is Getting A Reality TV Show?

Totally admitting that is curiosity that will get me to watch this show and I think that it’s the same for all of you. Mariah Carey has a reality TV show set on E!. How can I not watch this?…

There’s Going To Be A New ‘Indiana Jones’ Movie Starring Harrison Ford

OMG all the feels are coming out – because there is going to be a new Indiana Jones movie. And as this was announced, all I could think was how will The Big Bang Theory handle this news. (Sorry, I…

'Supergirl' 1×16 Review: 'Falling'

While Supergirl has quietly been having a solid freshman season depicting the first female superhero with her own television show, it’s been far from perfect. But there have been times when this show has truly shined above the rest. And…

So About ‘Princess Diaries #3’…

I don’t want to get my hopes up over this because if I am let down in any way, I will cry. The Princess Diaries are not only some of my favorite books but the movies are favorites. So Princess…

What’re You Reading: Matthew Murdock from Daredevil

Fangirlish writers adore their fictional characters. We all have our favorites from a variety of television shows especially. So in a fit of genius or insanity because we are all fannishly busy stressing over making sure readers have preview guides, recaps and…