The Frustratingly Complex Journey Of ‘Fear The Walking Dead’

Do you ever have one of those shows that makes you wonder why you’re still watching it? For me, that’s Fear the Walking Dead. A show that I started watching because I used to be a fan of its parent…

‘The Bold Type’ 3×09 Review: “The Final Push”

Hello and welcome to the penultimate episode of the Bold Type’s third season. Quite a few things happened this episode, so let’s break it down to the highlights! JANE:  Jane and Jacqueline interviewed Pamela Dolin, who refuses to comment on…

7 Reasons Why We Love #Emico from Starz ‘VIDA’

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

Book Signings: The Pros and Cons

I love books.  Seriously, if I could get paid to just sit and read all day, I would take that. What I love even more is getting the chance to meet the authors behind all the books I love. That’s…

‘Gentleman Jack’ 1X07 Review: “Why’ve You Brought That?”

This week’s episode of Gentleman Jack had more of the family dynamics that I have been wanting to see, as well as Anne being a badass and sticking up to Mr. Rawson. Read below as I break down all the family…

Why I’m giving ‘Grand Hotel’ a Chance

I’m usually the first to side-eye adaptations and reboots, or at least, I used to be. Witness my evolution firsthand! I’ve become less of a snob. This is called growing up, and I feel like you should all be super-duper…

Starz Renews ‘Vida’ for Season 3

Thank you, Starz. Thank you for this message. Because, in this moment in time, this feels like more than an acknowledgment that Vida is a hell of a good show – which trust us, it is – and more like…

5 Reasons You Should Be Writing on Wattpad

After more than 10 years of phenomenal success, you may find it hard to find people who haven’t yet heard of Wattpad. The online writing forum has changed the landscape of digital storytelling, and has begun to break down barriers…

5 Things About Friendship That I Learned From ‘The Bold Type’

Kat. Jane. Sutton. Three fictional women with such a big impact on my life. It’s strange to think that a television show can change a part of who I am, but I long ago accepted that fandom will always affect…

‘The 100’ 6×05 Review: “The Gospel of Josephine”

Long live Josephine Lightbourne. Filled with twists and an amazing performance by Eliza Taylor, The 100 continued its season six journey with another bold episode. The Clarke we all have gotten to know over the course of the series run…

Netflix’s ‘The Perfection’ is a Misogynistic Queer Love Story w/ a Side of Sexual Assault

In an effort to build a space for queer people like myself, every Tuesday I’ll be posting opinion pieces, listicals, reviews, and more focused on the LGBT community (and occasionally about the Latinx/WOC community since I am Latinx.) Welcome to…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×06 Roundtable: “The Iron Throne”

This is it. “The Iron Throne” is the end of an era, for better or worse. We’re done with the weekly Game of Thrones discussions, and these characters, what they are, and what they can be, are back in GRRM’s…

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 6×03 review : “Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson”

Whenever I get asked the question, Who is your favorite character on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?, I always answer with either Fitz or Simmons. So it should come to no surprise to anyone that to me “Fear and Loathing on the…

‘Blindspot’ 4×20 Review: “Coder to Killer”

We’re back, blindspotters! After this hellatus, our favorite show returns with a very irregular transition episode. “Coder to Killer” clearly prepares us for the last two episodes of the season. However, the episode has some errors in terms of development.…

Life Lessons From Trailers: ‘Toy Story 4’

Toy Story kills me with every single time, but I still can’t stop watching the show. It reminds me of the joys of being a kid, but also the joys of being an adult. I think that Toy Story reminds…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ 1×13 Review: “I’ll Be Missing You”

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Especially when I’m forced to part with a show like Whiskey Cavalier, one that in “Czech Mate,” proved why it deserved not just another season, but many, many more. As I wrote earlier, though, network…

‘Whiskey Cavalier’ Proves Network TV Isn’t Yet Ready to Try New Things

Look, I unapologetically love Whiskey Cavalier. It’s a fun, light show that leans heavily on tropes and delivers fun, feel-good entertainment every week, while still managing to touch on important topics, present a diverse team and make us feel like…

‘The 100’ 6×04 Review — The Face Behind the Glass

Make amends and watch all your past sins fade away. At least, that’s what the people of Sanctum believe. This week’s episode provided more insight into the cult-like rituals that make Sanctum the refuge it seems to be. With Naming…

‘Gentleman Jack’ 1X05 Review: Let’s Have Another Look at Your Past Perfect

We got very relationship heavy in this week’s episode, titled “Let’s Have Another Look At Your Past Perfect.” Gentleman Jack continues to cover topics as relevant today as they were back in the past.  White patriarchy also had to make…

5 Things We learned from ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 6×02: “Window of Opportunity”

“Window of Opportunity” shows us that while nothing is ever going to be the same for our Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D again after their first confrontation with the man who now has Phil Coulson’s face and his merry band of psychopaths.…

‘Game of Thrones’ 8×06 Review: I Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Here we are, at the end, and I struggle to find words to describe what I just witnessed. Disappointing? Anticlimactic? Just plain nonsensical? Which all leads us to the question: Is this the most unsatisfying ending in the history of…