‘Supernatural’ 14×02 Review: Heroes, ‘Gods and Monsters’

Supernatural‘s “Gods and Monsters” saw Michael being a basic bitch, Jack trying to understand/find the kind of man he wants to be, and Nick finally snapping after all the horror he’s endured as Lucifer’s vessel. It also saw the return…

‘Supernatural’ 14×01: “Stranger in a Strange Land” Kicks Off Season 14 with a Bang!

Supernatural returns for it’s 14th season (yes, you read that right) with Sam being a wonderbread demons Beyonce, Luci…I mean Nick…still around, and Mary reminding us all about the good Sam & Friends still have in their lives. “Stranger in…

‘Supernatural’ Season 14 Trailer: Michael Isn’t Playing Games, He’s Out for Blood

Apocalypse World Michael is out for blood in the new trailer for Supernatural Season 14! (Yes, if you haven’t watched for a while, we’re at season 14!) Anywho, Michael, the archangel who lost his mind in a world ravaged by…

‘Supernatural’ SDCC Interview: EP’s Talk Season 14 & The Future of the Winchesters

Fourteen seasons in you’d think that Supernatural will finally reach a point where it seems they’re running out of ideas. After talking with the executive producers at San Diego Comic Con, we’re 100% sure that they’re just starting! Joining us…

‘Supernatural’ SDCC Interview: #SPNFamily Talks Saving Dean and Season 14

Supernatural‘s 14th season (yes, I said 14th) is going to be its biggest as The CW’s hit show is hitting its 300th episode. Besides that, this is the first time Jensen Ackles is playing a completely different character and the…

Our ‘Supernatural’ Soundtrack: 9 Songs to Get You Ready for Season 14

No show is complete without music to complement it and bring it to life. And that’s absolutely true for The CW’s hit series Supernatural. Each second is amplified by the music accompanying Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jack, and the rest of…

‘Supernatural’: 5 Questions We Want Answered at San Diego Comic Con

With San Diego Comic Con 2018 just around the corner we wanted to sit down, discuss, and put together some questions we want answered when Supernatural heads to Hall H at SDCC. Some are serious, some are silly, and there’s…

‘Supernatural’ 13×23 Season Finale Review: “Let the Good Times Roll”

Lucifer proves that he’s not changed AT ALL (shocker alert), Dean accepts Michael into his body, and Jack continues being the nougat son we all know and love. Let’s dive into Supernatural’s “Let the Good Times Roll.’ Fuck Yeah, Michael…

‘Supernatural’ 13×22 Review: “Exodus”

Sam and Dean get the shocking news that there mom doesn’t plan on going home with them, Lucifer gets left behind to no one’s surprise but his own, and Gabriel, the archangel with the angelic juice to get Heaven running…

‘Supernatural’ 13×21 Review: “Beat the Devil”

Supernatural’s “Beat the Devil” forces Dean to watch his brother die (again), has Sam face his torturer, and Rowena getting it, left & right. We’re proud of the latter and super annoyed that Lucifer is still around and causing trouble…

‘Supernatural’ 13×20 Review: “Unfinished Business”

The real Loki dies (not the MCU one) and Gabriel finally decides to stay instead of running in Supernatural‘s “Unfinished Business.” Two weeks have passed since Gabriel blew town and his appearance and subsequent need for revenge convinced Sam (and…

‘Supernatural’ 13×19 Review: “Funeralia”

Rowena’s pain leads the Winchesters right to her door in Supernatural’s “Funeralia.” She wants to make amends for everything that she’s done and she’s willing to kill (evil humans responsible for the death of many) to get her chance to…

‘Supernatural’ 13×18 Review: “Bring ’em Back Alive”

Supernatural‘s “Bring ’em Back Alive” brought back Gabriel, gave us a version of our Charlie that I will certainly love to the end of time, and made it so the Winchesters lost everything else. They lost their archangel. They lost…

‘Supernatural’ 13×17 Review: “The Thing”

Supernatural’s “The Thing” liberated Gabriel and saw our boys finally step into the alternate world/universe in hopes of rescuing Mary and Jack. (It’s about damn time!) Also, I might not totally agree with what Dean did by taking Ketch instead…

‘Supernatural’ 13×16 Review: “ScoobyNatural” is The Best Crossover Ever. Sorry, Infinity War.

Saying that I loved Supernatural‘s “ScoobyNatural” is an understatement. I think it’s the greatest episode that this show has ever done and I don’t know how any other show can ever top this. I’ve never laughed so much, smiled so…

‘Supernatural’ 13×15 Review: A Most Holy Man

Supernatural’s “A Most Holy Man” disguised itself as a noir style episode before hitting us with feels at the heart of everything that these two brothers deal with day in and day out: when will it all end? is this enough?…

‘Supernatural’ Review 13×14: Good Intentions

Jack Kline starts on his first journey to kill a big bad like his big brothers do every Thursday night in Supernatural’s “Good Intentions.” And we’re so proud! In addition, Castiel strikes out from his family and does the unthinkable…

‘Supernatural’ 13×13 Review: Devils Bargain

Gabriel makes his return in Supernatural’s “Devil’s Bargain” and we’re ready to bust through our screens and save the savvy, troublesome, and chatty archangel from the hands of Asmodeus. He shouldn’t be worried about Lucifer. He should be worried for…

‘Supernatural’ 13×12 Review: Various & Sundry Villains

Sam and Dean face off against two witches with a knack for love spells and see the return of fan favorite Rowena in Supernatural’s “Various & Sundry Villains.” This episode also manages to unearth some pent up feelings about Sam’s…

‘Supernatural’ 13×11 Review: Breakdown

Donna suffers a loss that could possibly push her towards the Wayward Sisters (crossing fingers), Sam loses his faith (again), and we find out that there’s a whole other brand of monster that the Winchesters have never considered (the 9…

‘Supernatural’ 13×10 Review: Wayward Sisters is the Kind of Show We Need

Wayward Sisters has finally arrived and it’s the beautiful unicorn that we all knew it to be. The ladies are at the forefront of their own story and Sam & Dean need them to save their butts from The Bad Place.…