‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×07 “Heartless” Review: When You Believe

There can be miracles when you believe. And yes, I just sang that at the top of my lungs. I’m a Disney girl, through and through. But hey, it fits. Belief is a very important thing. In fact, you could…

6 Things We Loved About Netflix’s ‘The Crown’

I have always been fascinated by royalty. Sometimes I think that all little girls are – the idea of a falling in love with a Prince, becoming a Princess… it’s the age old fairytale that we somehow find ourselves wanting…

Luke Cage 1×06 Review: Suckas Need Bodyguards

What Luke Cage does effectively is that it is very clear that the show does not function in a bubble, it has a very clear place amongst the other Netflix/Marvel shows and helps to build the world up. This is…

The Blacklist 4×07 Review: ‘Dr. Adrian Shaw’

So next week is  the fall finale, and “Dr. Adrian Shaw” left us with just as many questions as we had at the start of the season. The mystery of who Liz’s father is was solved, right? Wrong. We thought…

Legends of Tomorrow: 10 Things We Loved About ‘Abominations’

One of my biggest surprises of this television season – apart from how the two veteran superhero shows on The CW have faltered – is how Legends of Tomorrow has redeemed itself and completely reinvented the tone of the show…

Supernatural 12×04 Review: Mary’s Presence is Already Missed

Dean’s confusion, resentment, and heartache over the departure of Mary was felt all over, in Supernatural’s “American Nightmare.” While Sam wanted to investigate the family suspected of a wrongful death, Dean wanted to give them a pass. He was so…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Roundtable: “Dark Waters”

Family is what you make of it. Family is not just the people who share your blood, but the people you love, and who love you back. That was the message of an emotional episode of Once Upon A Time…

Arrow 5×05 Review: This Isn't Arrow

Arrow isn’t Arrow. Not anymore. It pains me to say it, but it’s the truth. This fifth season, which should be one to celebrate given its upcoming 100th episode, has been nothing but a complete reinvention of a show that…

Stop and Fangirl Episode 7: Book to Movie Adaptations

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

Supergirl 2×04 Review: Aliens Among Us

Supergirl is my fun, relaxing show. And by fun and relaxing I mean, a lot of bad stuff still happens – this is DCTV, after all. There are battles to be fought, lessons to be learned. But, for some reason,…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×03 Roundtable: 'Shogun'

A new season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Legends of Tomorrow episode. In Legends of Tomorrow‘s third episode of season 2,…

Timeless Gets Full Season Order at NBC

Are you ready for more Timeless? Because we’re getting more! (Though maybe not as much as we wanted – we’re greedy, after all) The show – which has just aired five episodes so far – has been granted a full…

Timeless 1×05 Review: The Power of the Human Spirit

With each episode of Timeless, audiences are not only transported to significant moments in history, but they’re also gifted with the exploration of the human spirit. We get personal with these moments that we’ve read in our history books that…

Arrow 5×04 Roundtable: 'Penance'

A new season of Arrow means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, and Nora discuss the hot topics from every Arrow episode. In Arrow’s fourth episode of season 5, Oliver and Lyla set off on…

A Live Action Snow White Is Coming

While we sit back and wait for the live action Beauty and the Beast, Disney has decided to up the anty and announce that they are working on a live action Snow White. We’re not talking that Snow White and…

7 Things We Loved About The Walking Dead’s “The Well”

Welcome to The Kingdom in The Walking Dead’s “The Well”! This local post-apocalyptic renaissance fair, includes attractions like a man with a tiger named Shiva, a bustling school in a gazebo, choir practice, horse riding, and gardening! Note: Garden has…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×06 Review: “Dark Waters”

Wow. Did that episode bring the unexpected feels or what? I mean, yes, we were promised Hook backstory. We weren’t promised tears, a family reunion, a Captain Cobra adventure, honesty and a realistic look at what a relationship between a…

The Flash 3×04 Roundtable: 'The New Rogues'

A new season of The Flash means a new season of roundtables where Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, and Lyra discuss the hot topics from every Flash episode. In The Flash‘s fourth episode of season 3, two new Rogues arrived in…

The Blacklist 4×06 Review: ‘The Thrushes’

Tonight in “The Thrushes” the moment we’ve all been waiting for happened. That’s right, they finally got Agnes back!!!!!! It feels like it’s been an eternity and a half since they first started looking for her, but Red’s work finally…

Supernatural 12×03 Review: The Foundry

Watching the Winchesters hunt together in Supernatural’s “The Foundry” was like seeing a dream come true. A family we never thought would be together, got a chance to hit the road and hunt things, save people, the family business. It became…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×05 Roundtable: “Street Rats”

This savior business is not as cool as advertised, is it? After all, it’s not just one big moment of …saving. It’s a constant struggle to save and save and just …save. People. Things. Savior is something you are 24/7.…