'The Flash' 4×02 Review: 'Mixed Signals'

Words cannot describe how great it feels to watch The Flash this season and feel satisfied. Not just that, but to have fun watching it again. It’s something that started waning late in Season 2 and throughout Season 3. But…

‘Supergirl’ 3×02 Review: ‘Triggers’

Supergirl never fails me when it comes to delivering an emotional powerhouse of an episode when I least expect it. Given last week’s season premiere and the emotional weight that was so gut wrenching yet so beautiful, I was expecting…

‘Arrow’ 6×01 Review: ‘Fallout’

There’s nothing better than a clean slate. A new season. A fresh start. Where a 3-13 season isn’t necessarily forgotten but pushed aside as optimism for redemption clings to you like a leech. The past is never forgotten, not really.…

‘The Flash’ 4×01 Review: ‘The Flash Reborn’

Since its first season, The Flash has thrived on its lighthearted tone where family is the focus. Barry Allen has always been the lighthearted hero of the DCTV universe, along with Supergirl, and that was something that we were severely…

Legends of Tomorrow 3×01 Review : “Aruba-Con”

Cleaning up messes is really tough to do. It has also been what the Legends of Tomorrow have done since they first started. Sometimes (a lot of the time) it’s the Legends own mess they have to clean up, but…

‘Supergirl’ 3×01 Review: ‘Girl of Steel’

When it comes to DC Television, there’s a unique feeling that I get when I watch Supergirl. I feel like I’m watching the This Is Us of superhero shows, if that makes sense. Not that Arrow, The Flash, or Legends…

‘Outlander’ 3×05 Review: “Freedom and Whisky”

We are one step closer to the infamous “Print Shop” scene and I literally have zero chill. Outlander dives deep into the idea of impossible choices for Claire and Brianna. While Jamie isn’t present until the very end of the episode,…

‘How To Get Away With Murder’ 4×01 Review: I’m Going Away

Just when you thought everything might go back to normal, for just a minute or two, the season premiere of How To Get Away With Murder does not fail in unfolding unto you the newest mystery of this season. But…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×01 Review: You Matter To Me

There’s a lot of idealism and a lot of sentimentalism in this episode of Designated Survivor, titled “One Year In,” but then again, when is there not? From Emily’s statement to Seth, which I borrowed as a title, to the…

Bollywood Star Amy Jackson Joins Cast of ‘Supergirl’

You know that we are always interested in anything and everything that has to do with Supergirl. Contrary to popular belief, our love of the show is not just Karamel. It was announced earlier this week that Supergirl will be…

‘The Brave’ 1×01 Review: Heroes on the Field & Behind the Scenes

“The defense of the United States and its citizens relies increasingly on two groups…the intelligence analysts in Washington who uncover and interpret threats, and the Special Forces operators tasked with eliminating them.” Those thirty-two words made everything real. NBC’s The…

‘Outlander’ 3×03 Review: “All Debts Paid”

Outlander continues to bring its A-game in season 3 and we’re loving every second of it. With each passing episode we feel the weight off loss affecting both Jamie and Claire. While Jamie spends years in Ardsmuir Prison, Claire remains…

‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ Review: It’s A Lot Of Fun

Movies, movies, movies. We’ve been seeing a lot of them lately and we’re appreciative of the fact that we get to see a lot of them early. So when we were invited to an early screening of Kingsman: The Golden…

‘Outlander’ 3×02 Review: “Surrender”

Outlander knows how to pull at our heartstrings at all the right moments. With Jamie and Claire struggling to cope without each other, Outlander continues to deliver a season that thrives on the quiet and subtle performances from its remarkable cast.…

Five Reasons We Enjoyed ‘Rebel in the Rye’

I love a good book and for me – JD Salinger has always been an author that I admire and love. He’s also been someone that I admire. So the excitement for Rebel in the Rye was real. This biopic…

‘Home Again’ Review: We Laughed, We Cried, We Embraced Our Future Inner Cougar

I’ve loved Reese Witherspoon movies forever – from Cruel Intentions to Legally Blonde to Sweet Home Alabama to Walk the Line and so many more, I have never missed one of her movies. She’s always been an actress that is…

‘Will’ 1×09: Everyone Seems To Be The Devil, Cause This Show Is Cray

I love Jamie Campbell Bower, really, I do. Like give me Twilight Jamie Campbell Bower or Mortal Instruments one and I am about it. This one – Will era him – SCARED SHITLESS of him. Like can’t even. The newest…

‘Wynonna Earp’ Season 2 Finale: I Hope You Dance

Wynonna Earp‘s season 2 finale, “I Hope You Dance,” ended with an actual Earp birth, two sisters united, allies turned rivals, and the first glimpse at the Earp matriarch. The curse isn’t broken, there’s still a shit load of revenants,…

‘The Night Shift’ 4×09 Review: ‘Land Of The Free’

Last night’s episode of The Night Shift, “Land Of The Free” was an entertaining hour of television with an unexpectedly poignant story. The prisoner who was lose in the hospital trying to kill people was from an immigration detainment center.…

‘iZombie’ Season 3 Review: Getting Lost in Brains

With such a long way to go before season 4 of iZombie premieres and San Diego Comic Con goodies and details behind us, we’re going to need something to tide us over. That’s where this season 3 review comes in! We’re going…

Movie Review: ‘Dunkirk’ Is More Than We Ever Could Have Hoped For

We’ve all heard stories of the war. Whether it be the beaches of Normandy, the tales of heroism, or the stories from our grandparents about how life changed as the world fought against those which sought to destroy it, no…