DCTV: Triumph from So. Much. Tragedy

In anticipation of the season premieres, I’ve been going through a series rewatch of all four of the DCTV shows. In retrospect, it would have been wise to start it earlier in the summer. However, in revisiting these shows so…

‘Outlander’ 3×05 Review: “Freedom and Whisky”

We are one step closer to the infamous “Print Shop” scene and I literally have zero chill. Outlander dives deep into the idea of impossible choices for Claire and Brianna. While Jamie isn’t present until the very end of the episode,…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×02 Review: ‘Greyson Blaise’

Wednesday’s new episode “Greyson Blaise” proved once again that The Blacklist is at its best when it focuses on blacklisters and the task force, not family drama. Pretty much everyone had equal screen time, and the entire task force even…

Between the Lines: Stepping Away from the Fray

A sub-clause of being born in the 21st century is that we are, whether we like it or not, constantly bombarded with tragedy on a large scale. Massacres, bigotry, and radical injustice are tweeted past our eyes every hour of…

‘Blindspot’: 5 Things We Want to See From Patterson in Season 3

It’s almost time to start the countdown for the Blindspot premiere! We can’t believe season 3 is almost here! Is anyone else jumping from excitment like us? As always, in the final days of this hellatus hiatus, we bring you…

‘The Flash’ and Westallen’s Many Virtues

Take it from me – if you want to ask a Westallen fan what they love about their ship, you should have a drink and a snack on hand because it will not be a short conversation. As fans, we…

5 Things We Want from ‘Supernatural’ Season 13

Supernatural, the show that’ll never die,  is set to return for it’s 13th season on The CW. With Mary gone, Castiel dead, and Jack in their care, the Winchesters are in for a hell of a season. There will be…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×02 Review: Re-writing the Book

In this episode Designated Survivor puts an end, of sorts, to the conspiracy that spawned the show and got us this far, and they do so in a way that reminds us that, in its best moments, this show can…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 38: Fall TV Preview

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

‘The Brave’ 1×02 Review: Waiting, Trusting, Moving On

“We’re not the investigators…we’re the tip of the spear.” Coming off of the explosive (literally) pilot episode, The Brave continued its stride in being one of the best military shows to ever grace prime time. There were three key factors…

‘Blindspot’ Season 2: 5 Best/Worst Things

Blindspot will return to our screens in just three weeks! Are you excited? We can’t wait! To prepare for the new season, however, we need to revisit some things, so today we’re taking a look back at the best and…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×01 Review: ‘Smokey Putnam’

The Blacklist finally made its return last night, with the season 5 premiere, “Smokey Putnam.” The episode opened with Red stealing cars and generally having the time of his life. Now that his criminal empire has been destroyed, a huge…

ABCS of Ships: Hayley and Elijah of ‘The Originals’

If there is one couple we’ve been holding out for on The Originals it’s Halijah. We love these two. We know that they have issues. We know the road to get there won’t be easy, but we’re holding out hope…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×01 Review: You Matter To Me

There’s a lot of idealism and a lot of sentimentalism in this episode of Designated Survivor, titled “One Year In,” but then again, when is there not? From Emily’s statement to Seth, which I borrowed as a title, to the…

‘One Tree Hill’ Rewatch Reminded Me Of The Magic Of The Show

When Netflix announced that they were removing One Tree Hill from it’s streaming service, not gonna lie – I cried. Why? Because for me One Tree Hill has always been a slice of home. It’s been there for the moments…

5 Things We Want From ‘Designated Survivor’ Season 2

Designated Survivor premiered in explosive fashion last year (quite literally), and it quickly grew to become one of our favorite shows with its combination of mystery, politics, family and conspiracy, all centered around a man we would probably all vote…

‘Outlander’ 3×03 Review: “All Debts Paid”

Outlander continues to bring its A-game in season 3 and we’re loving every second of it. With each passing episode we feel the weight off loss affecting both Jamie and Claire. While Jamie spends years in Ardsmuir Prison, Claire remains…

Bisexuals Aren’t Real and Other Myths

Bisexuals are not liars. They’re not confused or still in the closet. And they certainly aren’t mythical creatures that appear in the light of the moon after a virgin sacrifice. Bisexuals are real and valid people who like men and…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 7×01 “Hyperion Heights” Preview

It’s like I can’t stay away. What’s that quote? Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in? That’s kinda what this is, except I don’t feel I’m in again – I just succumbed to my curiosity…

Fifty Shades : Is it More About Female Empowerment Than We Think?

The 50 Shades of Grey novels have quickly captivated the minds of women (and men) worldwide, with the concept encouraging women to discover their sexual awakening, own their sensuality, and claim male sexual dominance as their own. No longer is…

5 Things We Want From Legends of Tomorrow Season 3

Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow is just right around the corner and we here at Fangirlish could not be more excited. One of the most fun shows of last year, each episode always ended up putting a smile on…