iZombie 3×01 Review: Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother

iZombie is expanding it’s world in it’s Season 3 premiere, entitled ‘Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother’. In contrast to it’s title, things haven’t gotten any smoother. If anything, things have only gotten more complicated as the iZombie world…

What To Expect: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Finale

If there was one show we would give the “Most Improved Show” award, it would hands down be Legends of Tomorrow, which in just one season has righted the wrongs that plagued it in its debut season. Legends went from…

Supergirl: The ABCs of Karamel

Supergirl’s Kara Danvers has spent the past season focusing on embracing her heroic identity. She didn’t think it was possible to have romance and be Supergirl. She never really allowed herself to wonder about having it all, as in professional…

Supernatural 12×16 Review: Ladies Drink Free

Claire Novak returns in Supernatural’s ‘Ladies Drink Free’ just in time for teenage werewolf drama. She manages to bring out the protective sides of the Winchesters and make us wonder if they’d be good dads if they ever settled down.…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 2×16 Review: “Doomworld”

In TV, shows in their second seasons are always worried about the “sophomore slump”. For those wondering, that is the phrase used when a show has a subpar second season compared to its really good first season. It makes me…

The Flash 3×18 Review: 'Abra Kadabra'

While The Flash has certainly been at the top of its game this season with these last few episodes, “Abra Kadabra” felt more like a filler episode at times. But I get it. It was molded to fit the circumstances…

Supergirl 2×17 Review: ‘Distant Sun’

It’s a question we hear often, whether it’s in our daily lives or in a fictional medium. A question that seems all too simple to answer. Because it is. And it isn’t. But at the same time, it’s a concept…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×15 Review : Fellowship of the Spear

For all the wonderfully strange and wild things that have happened over the two seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, it has also hit upon very simple basic things. Friendship, loyalty, a sense of belonging among other things. All of this comes to a…

Supergirl: Why Karamel is My Favorite Ship on TV Right Now

You don’t choose the ship; the ship chooses you. That’s the motto I live and die by. It’s also the motto that describes my love for Supergirl’s Kara and Mon-El – who have the sweetest ship name in the existence…

The Flash: Grant Gustin Teases Barry’s Path to Redemption

It’s no secret that Barry Allen has fallen from his former self this season following his selfishness when it came to Flashpoint and beyond. And it’s no secret that we, along with other fans, have held Barry accountable for his…

Supergirl 2×16 Review: 'Star-Crossed'

Character development. They’re the simplest of words, and yet it’s one of the most difficult things to execute in storytelling. But that’s exactly what Supergirl managed to do in “Star-Crossed,” as it showed tremendous growth for both Kara and Mon-El…

Legends of Tomorrow: Our Legends Will Break a Big Rule

When it comes to dabbling in time travel, there’s always the threat of messing things up. (This is something The Flash‘s Barry Allen knows well.) Now, our Legends of Tomorrow have certainly not managed to leave certain time periods without…

The Flash/Supergirl Musical: Barry & Kara Belt Out a Friendship Song

This Tuesday’s The Flash and Supergirl crossover isn’t your typical crossover. It’s a musical crossover event that’s set to feature our favorite heroes and friends belting out show tunes in what looks to be an eventful hour of pure entertainment.…

Supergirl: Mon-El’s Secret Will Bring Karamel Tension

So much for that smooth sailing for Supergirl’s Kara and Mon-El. Sounds like a certain royal secret that Mon-El has been keeping is about to bring some tension to the newly coupled pair. In Monday’s “Star-Crossed,” Mon-El’s connection to a…

DC TV: 8 Things We Learned From Paleyfest

It was certainly a “super” Saturday in Los Angeles for Paleyfest as some of the cast and producers from Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow descended upon the annual convention. Arrow‘s Stephen Amell & David Ramsey, The Flash‘s…

The Flash: No Speedster Villain For Season 4

One of the recurring themes on The Flash throughout its first three seasons has been the presence of a speedster villain as Barry Allen’s nemesis. But that won’t be the case for The Flash‘s fourth season. “Next season we’re not…

Why choose between ‘Supergirl’ and ‘Jessica Jones’? Let’s have both

It’s the golden age of superhero shows. Everywhere you turn a new billionaire playboy turns up to throw on leather/armor and saves his city. DC, Marvel, it’s all the same. The stories are similar. Or, they’re not. Maybe I’m being…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×14 Review: “Moonshot”

Legends of Tomorrow‘s biggest strength this season is embracing the absurdity of it all. Go to King Arthur’s time, wacky mind-control battle. A visit to Colonial times and Mick gets a statue of himself created. So when the latest mission leads the Legends…

The Flash 3×16 Review: 'Into the Speed Force'

This is the episode of The Flash that I have been waiting for. This was the episode where for the first time in a long while that I felt like the writers were acknowledging that their hero had gone by…

Christine Adams Cast in 'Black Lightning' Pilot

Black Lightning pilot has added another piece to its puzzle. Christine Adams has been cast in The CW’s latest superhero adventure, which centers on the titular hero Black Lightning. Adams will play Lynn, Jefferson Pierce’s ex-wife who exudes confidence and…

Supernatural 12×15 Review: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

Supernatural’s ‘Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell’ was a deceptively “basic” episode that used blasts from the past via hellhounds, sexy glasses, the Winchesters, an ex crossroads demon, and Lucifer himself, to make you believe that it was nothing but a…