‘iZombie’ 3×06 Review: Some Like It Hot Mess

iZombie‘s ‘Some Like It Hot Mess’ had Liv doing a complete 180 with her personality of the week, Blaine finally revealing his treachery, and Peyton being…well, Peyton. The sudden shift from controlling dominatrix to forgetful DJ was a shock to…

'The Flash' 3×21 Review: 'Cause and Effect'

The expression, “Don’t fix what’s not broken” is one that can apply to a lot of things. It can apply to household appliances. It can apply to sports organizations. It can apply to relationships. And it most certainly applies to…

'Supergirl' 2×20 Review: 'City of the Lost Children'

The theme of a hero doesn’t always wear a mask or have superpowers is a theme that has been explored on multiple occasions on Supergirl. And I’m glad that is has been because it’s a message that cannot be conveyed…

‘Supernatural’ 12×20 Review: The Bane Twins & The Lengths Hunters Would Go For Family

Supernatural‘s ‘Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes’ showed us that hunter families really aren’t that different. No matter your upbringing, if the supernatural touched you then you are open to its power and pitfalls aka sacrificing yourself for the other.…

‘iZombie’ 3×05 Review: Spanking the Zombie Hits Us Hard with Major Lilywhite Feels

iZombie’s ‘Spanking the Zombie’ lured you into a false sense of security before slapping you down and making you realize you and everyone on this show doesn’t have any control over what’s going on in their lives. Well they have…

'The Flash' 3×20 Review: 'I Know Who You Are'

In a season of The Flash where Barry Allen had become the villain of his own story, ironically that proved to be true in terms of storytelling, as well. After the long, dragged out process of dangling Savitar’s identity in…

'Supergirl' 2×19 Review: 'Alex'

What would you sacrifice for love? That was the core question at the heart of Supergirl’s thriller of an hour titled “Alex,” which as the name implies centered around the search for the kidnapped Alex Danvers and the two women…

‘Supernatural’ 12×19 Review: Castiel Sees The Future & Forgets That Ohana Means Family

At the core of Supernatural’s The Future, and the show in it’s entirety, is this concept of family. It’s the heart of the show. But sometimes (a lot of times) it gets weighed down by people not trusting each other enough…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 29: The ‘Supergirl’ Example

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

7 WTF Moments from ‘iZombie’s 3×04 Wag the Tongue Slowly

iZombie‘s “Wag the Tongue Slowly” was admittedly a slow episode which nudged the plot along but didn’t give us any big wow moments or answers. It was used as a piece to show Ravi mourning what he did with his…

'The Flash' 3×19 Review: ‘The Once and Future Flash’

Given how every time Barry Allen travels to the past to try and right some wrong and he ends up screwing up immensely, you would think that perhaps traveling to the future to try and prevent a tragedy would have…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’: Season 2 review and Season 3 Wishes

Sophomore slump is a term used by TV insiders which refers to a show that goes into it’s second season and, naturally, gets into a slight dip in quality. It does happen to some shows sometimes (some would put The Flash‘s…

'Supergirl' 2×18 Review: 'Ace Reporter'

You don’t realize how much you miss something until it’s gone for four weeks – an entire month! – and are left waiting, wishing, and speculating until its grand return. Supergirl has easily been my favorite DC Comics show on…

iZombie 3×03 Review: Eat, Pray, Liv

When I’m invested in a show it’s all hands on deck. I dissect what I see on screen, apply it to my life, and think about it during the oddest times in my day. I become obsessed about where these…

11 Reasons Why ‘Supergirl’ is Even Better in Season 2

In a season where DC Comics shows haven’t been at their best, Supergirl has been the class of DCTV this season (alongside Legends of Tomorrow) with a second season that has been all kinds of impressive. Perhaps moving from CBS…

Supernatural Review 12×18 Review: The Memory Remains

Ask and you shall receive. Last week, I was left wondering and worrying why I couldn’t understand what the Winchesters were doing this season. Supernatural‘s ‘The Memory Remains’ delivered on that question and gave me a completely different view of…

Calista Flockhart Returning to Supergirl

Just when we thought Supergirl‘s sensational sophomore season couldn’t get any better! Not only has this second season fleshed out what worked well in Supergirl‘s first season, but it also introduced some new faces that has taken the show to…

iZombie 3×02 Review: Zombie Knows Best

iZombie‘s ‘Zombie Knows Best’ saw Liv and Major acting like a supportive father and obnoxious teenager duo while trying to solve a murder, Ravi finally deflating when it comes to his situation with Payton, and Clive getting flashbacks we never…

Supernatural 12×17 Review: The British Invasion

Supernatural‘s ‘The British Invasion’ saw the beginning of the end for the relationship between the Winchesters and the British Men of Letters (BMOL), the return of Eileen Leahy and Kelly Kline, and the surprise death of Mick Davies. Honestly I’m…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×17 Review : “Aruba”

A question I asked myself right before I typed this was: How can I describe this episode of Legends of Tomorrow? So many words come to mind when I think of this season 2 finale: wild, funny, shocking, touching are among the…

iZombie 3×01 Review: Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother

iZombie is expanding it’s world in it’s Season 3 premiere, entitled ‘Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother’. In contrast to it’s title, things haven’t gotten any smoother. If anything, things have only gotten more complicated as the iZombie world…