'Supergirl' 2×19 Review: 'Alex'

What would you sacrifice for love? That was the core question at the heart of Supergirl’s thriller of an hour titled “Alex,” which as the name implies centered around the search for the kidnapped Alex Danvers and the two women…

‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ 1×01 Review: ‘Offred’

During televisions long history there have been several shows that have been so timely it’s scary. All in the Family discussed politics in the 1970s, Homeland deals with our greatest fears with terrorism, but there is something eerily timely about…

‘Supernatural’ 12×19 Review: Castiel Sees The Future & Forgets That Ohana Means Family

At the core of Supernatural’s The Future, and the show in it’s entirety, is this concept of family. It’s the heart of the show. But sometimes (a lot of times) it gets weighed down by people not trusting each other enough…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×20 Review: “Grasping for Salvation”

One of the most beautiful aspects of each and every One Chicago series is the essence of family at its core. Family isn’t this singular term used to describe blood relatives. It’s so much more than that. It’s about a…

‘Arrow’ 5×19 Review: ‘Dangerous Liaisons’

When you’ve been missing something for so long and it finally comes back to you, you experience it as this vast, emotional tidal wave that is as welcoming as it is shocking. You didn’t necessarily expect to find it. But…

7 WTF Moments from ‘iZombie’s 3×04 Wag the Tongue Slowly

iZombie‘s “Wag the Tongue Slowly” was admittedly a slow episode which nudged the plot along but didn’t give us any big wow moments or answers. It was used as a piece to show Ravi mourning what he did with his…

‘Famous In Love’ 1×02 Recap: ‘A Star Is Torn’

Paige is trying to balance schoolwork and rising stardom because it’s important to her father that she stay in school, which is why Paige is incredibly nervous to share her big news with her father. Cassie makes a good point…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 4×19 Review: “All The Madame’s Men”

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 4 has been wall to wall excitement for the majority of the season but tonight’s had a different feel to it. Have you ever heard the phrase “The Calm before the Storm”? Well ‘All the Madame’s…

'The Flash' 3×19 Review: ‘The Once and Future Flash’

Given how every time Barry Allen travels to the past to try and right some wrong and he ends up screwing up immensely, you would think that perhaps traveling to the future to try and prevent a tragedy would have…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’: Season 2 review and Season 3 Wishes

Sophomore slump is a term used by TV insiders which refers to a show that goes into it’s second season and, naturally, gets into a slight dip in quality. It does happen to some shows sometimes (some would put The Flash‘s…

'Supergirl' 2×18 Review: 'Ace Reporter'

You don’t realize how much you miss something until it’s gone for four weeks – an entire month! – and are left waiting, wishing, and speculating until its grand return. Supergirl has easily been my favorite DC Comics show on…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 4×18 Review : “No Regrets”

If I had to sum up the Agents of HYDRA arc with one word it would be : Shocking. Shocking moments and shocking revelations have come at us non-stop in the Framework world. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is a the top…

Famous In Love 1×01 Recap: “Pilot”

If you’ve been on Twitter or turned on Freeform over the past few months, then you’ve probably seen how everyone is talking about the new show Famous in Love. Since you’re here reading this, that means that you were smart and…

‘Gifted’ Movie Review: This One Can Wait for On Demand

I love Chris Evans. I know, I know – a lot of people are on the Chris Pine train, but there has always been something strong and yet vulnerable about Chris Evans that I have loved. So going to see…

Supernatural Review 12×18 Review: The Memory Remains

Ask and you shall receive. Last week, I was left wondering and worrying why I couldn’t understand what the Winchesters were doing this season. Supernatural‘s ‘The Memory Remains’ delivered on that question and gave me a completely different view of…

iZombie 3×02 Review: Zombie Knows Best

iZombie‘s ‘Zombie Knows Best’ saw Liv and Major acting like a supportive father and obnoxious teenager duo while trying to solve a murder, Ravi finally deflating when it comes to his situation with Payton, and Clive getting flashbacks we never…

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D 4×17 Review : “Identity and Change”

When this “Agents of HYDRA” storyarc was announced, everyone knew it wasn’t going to be all sunshine and lollypops. It was expected to be a complex, dark storyarc. However, it is was darker than I ever thought it was going to…

Designated Survivor Review: “One Hundred Days”

This weeks Designated Survivor, as per usual was amazing. But the truth is, I am a little sad. I am sad because by the end of the episode, Aaron remembered what hair gel was and starts to use it again.…

‘Chicago P.D.’ 4×19 Review: “Last Minute Resistance”

On a show like Chicago P.D. where nearly all of its episodes are mind-blowing, there are episodes that really take it to another level. “Last Minute Resistance” was one of those episodes. On the surface this episode appeared to be…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×17 Review : “Aruba”

A question I asked myself right before I typed this was: How can I describe this episode of Legends of Tomorrow? So many words come to mind when I think of this season 2 finale: wild, funny, shocking, touching are among the…

iZombie 3×01 Review: Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother

iZombie is expanding it’s world in it’s Season 3 premiere, entitled ‘Heaven Just Got a Little Bit Smoother’. In contrast to it’s title, things haven’t gotten any smoother. If anything, things have only gotten more complicated as the iZombie world…