‘Timeless’ 2×04 Roundtable: “The Salem Witch Trials” Part 1

Well, that was painful. And …yeah, no, it was mostly painful all the way through, with a few little breaks so we could breathe, but mostly just pain. But as I said in my review, we’ll get through this. Together.…

‘Arrow’ 6×18 Review: The Self-Examination of Oliver Queen

It’s a curious thing, that show Arrow. How it can manage to deliver an infuriating episode where it doesn’t know its own characters and then manage to deliver a satisfying and compelling episode where it shows just how well it…

‘Designated Survivor’ Review: Overkill

I’m not exactly eating my words, not yet, but I have to admit this episode of Designated Survivor (and hopefully the rest of the Michael J. Fox arc) was pretty much exactly what I’ve been asking of the show –…

‘The Flash’ 4×17 Review: ‘Null and Annoyed’

Whatever nefarious thing I did to Alyssa so that I could write the reviews for two of my favorite episodes of the season, she definitely got me back with this episode. I was looking forward to Kevin Smith’s return as…

‘Krypton’ 1×04 Review: Hell is Empty and All the Devils are Here

Last week, I told you to stop watching Krypton while you could. I might have spoken too soon. Because, though this is far from a brilliant episode – the first few minutes were a drag and every time the story-line…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 57: Timeless 2.0

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have  Stop and Fangirl! So you can feel  happy –…

'Timeless' 2×04: 11 Moments From “Salem Witch Hunt” We Can’t Stop Talking About

It’s always darkest before the dawn. And right now, it’s midnight for Timeless fans as Jessica’s return has prompted an outpouring of heartbreak and hopelessness. But as a veteran of angsty ships and the shows that run them, I feel…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×04 Review: ‘Thy Soul Instructed’

Shadowhunters season 3 has gotten off to a decent start so far. It’s far from perfect, but at this point the show knows what it is, and the episodes have been enjoyable, if a bit ridiculous. It’s one of those…

Lifetime Releases The First Trailer For ‘YOU’

Lifetime released the first trailer for YOU and it’s fantastic. The things we do for love? Oh Joe… If you haven’t picked up Caroline Kepnes book, YOU, well… you have missed one of the literary genuises of our time. She’s…

Netflix Renews ‘Alexa and Katie’ For Season 2

You know how sometimes you run across something on Netflix and you become thankful that you did? That’s how I feel about the show Alexa and Katie. If you aren’t familiar with the show, it’s about two best friends and…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×15 Review: “Worth”

Just when you think Eugene can’t get any worse, he vomits on his old friends and buries himself in human ash in The Walking Dead‘s penultimate episode, “Worth.” As if that wasn’t bad enough war is  on the horizon between…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×15 Review: Eat A Jerk, Pal!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has the healthiest relationships on television right now. Actually, it has the healthiest relationships in the history of television, ever. It’s probably due to the fact that its genre —a comedy— allows them to bypass the drama and…

'Unfortunate Events' Season 2 Review: A Miserable (Most Enjoyable) Thrill of a Ride That Raises the Stakes

There’s a moment at the end of episode 2 of A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 2 (“The Austere Academy”) where Count Olaf asks the Baudelaires: “How do we learn to give up?” It’s a moment where Count Olaf believes…

‘Barry’ 1×03 Review: Surrender To The Soup

Barry is a rollercoaster. There is no other way to describe the amazingly written, award-worthy incredible piece of storytelling that is this show. Every week we think this show is going somewhere, and while tonally and cinematographically it remains pretty…

‘Timeless’ 2×04 Review: You Don’t Get How Rare This Is

Okay, here we go. Hold my hand. Yes, I know you’re not really here next to me, but hold my metaphorical hand. This is going to be a therapy session, for all of us. I know this is a bad,…

Our ‘Timeless’ 2×04 Soundtrack: “The Salem Witch Hunt”

Sometimes there are shows that bring people together. Right now, for the Fangirlish staff, Timeless is that show.  Years ago, some of us came together through Arrow, and stayed together because the bonds of friendship had already been established, but in the last few years Timeless has…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 5×16 Review: “Inside Voices”

One thing I love about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is that sometimes, even when a episode doesn’t feel that big, it still has moments that give you special feelings. Shock, Surprise, Fear and Humor. While “Inside Voices” wasn’t one of the…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×17 Review: ‘Anna Gracia Duerte’

In “Anna Gracia Duerte” The Blacklist tackled the sensitive topic of child brides and arranged marriages. “Anna Gracia Duerte” a 17 year old girl, was the target the Task Force was after. She had been a child bride, forced by…

‘Timeless’ 2×03 Roundtable “Hollywoodland” Part 2

Oh, yes, we’re back! Timeless is that show, the one that gives us so many feels each week, that we just have to get them out in round-table form. So buckle up, because, once again, we have a lot of things to…

Sakina Jaffrey & Paterson Joseph talk ‘Timeless’ Season 2

Timeless returns with a new episode this Sunday, and as we get ready for more excitement (or pain), we’re rounding up our Wondercon interviews with Sakina Jaffrey and Paterson Joseph, who play Agent Denise Christopher and Connor Mason respectively, and…

‘Supernatural’ 13×17 Review: “The Thing”

Supernatural’s “The Thing” liberated Gabriel and saw our boys finally step into the alternate world/universe in hopes of rescuing Mary and Jack. (It’s about damn time!) Also, I might not totally agree with what Dean did by taking Ketch instead…