‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 56: Discussing The X-Files Season 11 Finale

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you…

‘Shadowhunters’ 3×03 Review: ‘What Lies Beneath’

What Lies Beneath was… well, it was an episode of Shadowhunters. It was weird and confusing, but also kind of fun, as long as you’re not taking it too seriously. There was a lot going on. Less than usual, perhaps, but…

KJ Apa Replaces Kian Lawley In ‘The Hate U Give’

We finally know who is replacing Kian Lawley in The Hate U Give and it was definitely worth the wait. Riverdale star, KJ Apa has been cast in the lead role, of the George Tillman Jr-directed and Temple Hill produced…

Wondercon 2018: Malcolm Barrett Talks Riya, Changing the Past and Season 2

Rufus Carlin is not a sidekick, he’s not the comedic relief and he’s certainly not there just to advise the “main characters.” In fact, Rufus is so unlike most characters like him on TV, that talking to the actor who…

‘Barry’ 1×02 Review: This Isn’t ‘Cheers’

If Barry’s pilot was anything to go by, we expected a certain structure to episodes, almost like a hit-of-the-week formula where we’d see Barry try to juggle his hitman life with his newly found love of acting. We imagined a gruesome death…

Legends of Tomorrow 3×17 Review : “Guest-Starring John Noble”

There’s no doubt that Legends of Tomorrow every week is a wild time-traveling ride. Through three seasons we have witnessed multiple instances of things that if they happened on any other show, all we would say is “WTF?” So when…

Brittany Snow Joins Netflix’s ‘Someone Great’

You know we love Jennifer Kaytin Robinson and will always be fans – because Sweet/Vicious (still bitter about this MTV). We’ll follow her anywhere and to any project, because we believe that she really loves creating quality entertainment. You may…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×14 Review: Still Gotta Mean Something

The Walking Dead‘s “Still Gotta Mean Something” saw the humanization of Negan (not sure how I feel about that one,) our characters struggling with who they are after the loss of their children and loved ones (I just want to…

See The Cover For Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera’s “What If It’s Us”

Beautiful book covers are out thing. We swoon over them. We get excited over them. And when they come from our favorite authors, we get even more excited. The cover for the book, “What If It’s Us”, written by Becky…

‘ASOUE’s Interview w/ Costume Designer Cynthia Summers on Season 2

A successful movie or tv show is a combination of components. You need the right director, the right actors, the right music, and surprisingly enough for some people, you need the right costume designer to bring everyone’s vision to life.…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×14 Review: Three Oh Damn’s!

Bottle episodes are not always the best. They’re there to fill in gaps, and usually, the physical limitations of production work against the show. Unless the writers have been able to sustain actual character storylines and development throughout the season,…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ 5×15 Review : “Rise and Shine” or Hydra by the Bell

There’s many things I expect in a usual Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episode: Coulson cracking wise, a lovely or angsty FitzSimmons scene, and May giving the “look.” You know the one that can cut through a person in milliseconds. “Rise and…

‘Blindspot’ 3×17 Review: “Mum’s the Word”

Blindspot is back! After last week, our favorite show in “Mum’s the Word” has taken us to an undercover operation in a gala where there have been expected reunions, revenge and frustrated plans. All in the middle of a situation…

‘Timeless’ 2×03 Roundtable “Hollywoodland” Part 1

Oh, yes, we’re back! Timeless is that show, the one that gives us so many feels each week, that we just have to get them out in round-table form. So buckle up, because, once again, we have a lot of things to…

‘Supernatural’ 13×16 Review: “ScoobyNatural” is The Best Crossover Ever. Sorry, Infinity War.

Saying that I loved Supernatural‘s “ScoobyNatural” is an understatement. I think it’s the greatest episode that this show has ever done and I don’t know how any other show can ever top this. I’ve never laughed so much, smiled so…

'Arrow' 6×16 Review: You’ll Be With Us The Whole Time, Thea

Six years ago, Oliver Queen returned home to Star(ling) City after five years of being presumed dead. He was a broken man still marred by his demons and the unsettling feeling that came with returning to his former home knowing…

Karan Oberoi Added To The Cast of ‘Roswell’

Hello hotness. This addition to the Roswell cast has made our hearts beat a little faster and our palms start to sweat. We’re going to really need this series to be picked up. Karan Oberoi, has been tapped as a…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×15 Review: Summit

There are two big problems with Designated Survivor right now, or at least two big ones – the smaller ones are just too numerous to count and I just don’t have the time or inclination to list them. Let’s focus…

Lets Talk About The Dark Side of Fandom

I love fandom. I love having a place to connect with other people who love what I love. There is just something about joining a community of people, all of whom are invested in the same thing you’re invested in…

‘Krypton’ 1×02 Review: Love All, Trust A Few, Do Wrong to None

Oh, yes. I started with a Shakespeare quote. It’s a theme, you see. Since they’re not being subtle, why should I be? I’m just going to lean into it and ride the wave, so to speak. Last episode, I had…