‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 3 Finale review : “The Good, The Bad and the Cuddly”

Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow has been so wild and out there that did…

Netflix Renews ‘Alexa and Katie’ For Season 2

You know how sometimes you run across something on Netflix and you become thankful that you did? That’s how I feel about the show Alexa and Katie. If you aren’t familiar with the show, it’s about two best friends and…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×15 Review: “Worth”

Just when you think Eugene can’t get any worse, he vomits on his old friends and buries himself in human ash in The Walking Dead‘s penultimate episode, “Worth.” As if that wasn’t bad enough war is  on the horizon between…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×15 Review: Eat A Jerk, Pal!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has the healthiest relationships on television right now. Actually, it has the healthiest relationships in the history of television, ever. It’s probably due to the fact that its genre —a comedy— allows them to bypass the drama and…

'Unfortunate Events' Season 2 Review: A Miserable (Most Enjoyable) Thrill of a Ride That Raises the Stakes

There’s a moment at the end of episode 2 of A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 2 (“The Austere Academy”) where Count Olaf asks the Baudelaires: “How do we learn to give up?” It’s a moment where Count Olaf believes…

‘Barry’ 1×03 Review: Surrender To The Soup

Barry is a rollercoaster. There is no other way to describe the amazingly written, award-worthy incredible piece of storytelling that is this show. Every week we think this show is going somewhere, and while tonally and cinematographically it remains pretty…

‘Timeless’ 2×04 Review: You Don’t Get How Rare This Is

Okay, here we go. Hold my hand. Yes, I know you’re not really here next to me, but hold my metaphorical hand. This is going to be a therapy session, for all of us. I know this is a bad,…

Our ‘Timeless’ 2×04 Soundtrack: “The Salem Witch Hunt”

Sometimes there are shows that bring people together. Right now, for the Fangirlish staff, Timeless is that show.  Years ago, some of us came together through Arrow, and stayed together because the bonds of friendship had already been established, but in the last few years Timeless has…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 5×16 Review: “Inside Voices”

One thing I love about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is that sometimes, even when a episode doesn’t feel that big, it still has moments that give you special feelings. Shock, Surprise, Fear and Humor. While “Inside Voices” wasn’t one of the…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×17 Review: ‘Anna Gracia Duerte’

In “Anna Gracia Duerte” The Blacklist tackled the sensitive topic of child brides and arranged marriages. “Anna Gracia Duerte” a 17 year old girl, was the target the Task Force was after. She had been a child bride, forced by…

‘Timeless’ 2×03 Roundtable “Hollywoodland” Part 2

Oh, yes, we’re back! Timeless is that show, the one that gives us so many feels each week, that we just have to get them out in round-table form. So buckle up, because, once again, we have a lot of things to…

Sakina Jaffrey & Paterson Joseph talk ‘Timeless’ Season 2

Timeless returns with a new episode this Sunday, and as we get ready for more excitement (or pain), we’re rounding up our Wondercon interviews with Sakina Jaffrey and Paterson Joseph, who play Agent Denise Christopher and Connor Mason respectively, and…

‘Supernatural’ 13×17 Review: “The Thing”

Supernatural’s “The Thing” liberated Gabriel and saw our boys finally step into the alternate world/universe in hopes of rescuing Mary and Jack. (It’s about damn time!) Also, I might not totally agree with what Dean did by taking Ketch instead…

'Arrow' 6×17 Review: Pull Your Head Out of Your Ass

There are few things that I consider sacred on Arrow. Original Team Arrow. Oliver and Felicity. Oliver and Diggle. The things that drew me into this show. The things that are the reason I’m still here watching this show. Over…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×16 Review: A Step in the Right Direction

I’ve been critical of Designated Survivor the past few episodes – a big change for me, after praising this show for it’s entire first season and most of season 2. Today, however, I’m feeling somewhat optimistic, because the show just…

Wondercon 2018: Goran Visnjic teases Lucy’s Diary and Flynn’s Motivations in ‘Timeless’ Season 2

Goran Visnjic is the kind of charismatic actor that makes it hard for you to hate any character he’s playing, even if, at face value, he’s playing the villain. This is a particularly good thing when applied to such a…

Ten ‘Timeless’ Fanfics You Should Be Reading

With no new episode of Timeless this week, I turned to AO3 and FFNet to ease the long wait until The Salem Witch Hunt airs, and have compiled the ten fanfics you should be reading to get you through to…

‘Black Lightning’ 01×11 Review: “Black Jesus: The Book of Crucifixion”

Black Lightning “Black Jesus: The Book of Crucifixion” was executed so beautifully, though the story being told was more than ugly. The set up, the dirty system, the dirty cops-all of it was just maddening to watch, yet the superb acting…

‘Famous in Love’ Season 2 Premiere: The Good, The Bad, and The WTF

Now I will be the first to tell you that I am a huge fan of Famous in Love. I don’t do the reviews for it normally, but am taking care of the first 3 weeks, as our normal writer…

‘Krypton’ 1×03 Review: All that Glitters is Not Gold

Okay, look, it’s been three episodes. Three whole episodes. One hundred and twenty minutes. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but after three episodes you should at least have a sense of something, when watching a TV show. The…