Book covers for Navola, The Night Ends with Fire, and The Blood Dimmed Tide
The 13 Best Fantasy Books of July 2024

From grand epics to mythological retellings to cozy tales, the best fantasy books of July…

Is the Burzek Wedding Happening in Chicago P.D. Season 12?

Is a Burzek wedding happening in Chicago P.D. Season 12? The answer better be yes, to be honest. We’re tired of waiting.


‘The X-Files’ 11×09 Review: This Shit Is Almost Over

Chris Carter, or maybe The X-Files in general, are like that one night stand you…

Watch the New Trailer for 'Adrift' Starring Shailene Woodley

The ocean can be a beautiful place complete with an open horizon, silence, and the wind at your back. But with that beauty also comes danger. Her name is Mother Nature, and you cannot prepare for her when you’re on…

‘The Flash’ 4×16 Review: ‘Run, Iris, Run’

I promise I didn’t do anything bad to Alyssa this week, guys! However, when she asked me to review this week’s episode of The Flash, Run Iris Run, how could I resist? Two great episodes in a row, and I get…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 53: Why ‘One Day at a Time’ Should Be Renewed

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have Stop and Fangirl!  So you can…

'Timeless' Season 2 Premiere: 12 Moments We Can’t Stop Talking About

It’s truly unbelievable that NBC even thought about cancelling the brilliant gem that is Timeless. It’s beautiful storytelling, complex characters, the jaw-dropping twists, and the mythology that has made Timeless a show that is truly captivating. Timeless’ first season was…

Legends of Tomorrow 3×14 Review: “Amazing Grace”

As I was watching “Amazing Grace,” even with the ghosts, the Elvis Presley and the debut of the last totem “Death” – a thought kept racing through my mind. If it walks like a filler episode, talks like a filler…

‘Timeless’ 2×02 Advance Review: “The Darlington 500”

Here we are, clockblockers, ready to preview another episode of Timeless, and isn’t it just a joy to be able to gush about this show, to replay some scenes (or one scene) twenty, thirty, forty times, to be able to…

‘iZombie’ 4×03 Review: Brainless in Seattle, Part 1

iZombie‘s “Brainless in Seattle, Part 1” delivered on the laughs (there might have been second hand embarrassment and covering of my face on this end), threw more fire into the division between zombies and humans, and made me realize that…

‘Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwad’ First Full Trailer Released

A part of us (a big part, really) doesn’t want to be excited about Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. And yet, there’s another part, a smaller one, but hard to silence, that grew up on the Harry Potter world,…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×11 Review: Dead or Alive Or

The Walking Dead‘s “Dead or Alive Or” has me putting my neck on the line for Dwight (because I believe that he’s changed), Father Gabriel going on a holy journey to only have sense knocked into him (or sense knocked…

Shadowhunters: 5 Things We Hope Get Fixed in Season 3

We’re now less than two weeks away from the Shadowhunters season 3 premiere, and as always, we have mixed feelings here on Fangirlish. We’ve never been the biggest fans of this show, but we’re still invested, and we still want what’s…

‘Timeless’ 2×01 Review: You Haven’t Lost Me

It’s hard to explain the joy I feel at being able to write the title for this review, not just because I let out a pterodactyl-like screech the first time I heard him say it (What? No one judge me…

Our ‘Timeless’ 2×01 Soundtrack: “The War To End All Wars”

Sometimes there are shows that bring people together. Right now, for the Fangirlish staff, Timeless is that show.  Years ago, some of us came together through Arrow, and stayed together because the bonds of friendship had already been established, but…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ 100th Episode Review

A lot of shows always use the term “game-changing” episode for special episodes of their show. Most times nothing really changes, and that was a worry I had for most of the 100th episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, don’t…

‘Blindspot’ 3×14 Review: “Everlasting”

The new Blindspot episode is here! After the episode we enjoyed last week, our favorite show has surprised us with a different kind of hour. “Everlasting” varies from everything we had seen before. The episode presents the emotional advance of…

‘Supernatural’ 13×15 Review: A Most Holy Man

Supernatural’s “A Most Holy Man” disguised itself as a noir style episode before hitting us with feels at the heart of everything that these two brothers deal with day in and day out: when will it all end? is this enough?…

‘Ink, Iron, and Glass’ is the Representation Steampunk Needs

‘Ink, Iron, and Glass’ by Gwendolyn Clare is the representation that the steampunk genre needs. From the moment I realized that the protagonist was a woman of color I knew something would be different about this book. It didn’t stumble…

10 Reasons We’re Excited for 'Timeless' to Return

As we prepare for Timeless’ season 2 premiere this Sunday, it’s crazy to even think about a time when this show — this upcoming season — was dead in the water. How a network could even consider cancelling such a…

'Arrow' 6×15 Review: This is My Team Arrow

To say that I thoroughly enjoyed the latest episode of Arrow would be a gross understatement. This episode reminded me of all of the reasons I love Arrow. And none of them had to do with the wannabes that must…

‘Black Lightning’ 1×07 Review: ‘Equinox: The Book of Fate’

The CW went and did the damn thang this week! Like I knew they could, they delivered back to back kick ass episodes of their superhero line up. The Flash kicked it off with Enter Flashtime and Black Lightning pulled…