Book covers for Navola, The Night Ends with Fire, and The Blood Dimmed Tide
The 13 Best Fantasy Books of July 2024

From grand epics to mythological retellings to cozy tales, the best fantasy books of July…

Is the Burzek Wedding Happening in Chicago P.D. Season 12?

Is a Burzek wedding happening in Chicago P.D. Season 12? The answer better be yes, to be honest. We’re tired of waiting.


‘The Blacklist’ 5×15 Review: ‘Pattie Sue Edwards’

This week’s Blacklist, “Pattie Sue Edwards” was a solid episode. Not one of the season’s best,…

‘The Sun Is Also A Star’ Has Found It’s Director

When the news of The Sun Is Also A Star tapping Yara Shahidi as the lead in the adaptation, we really didn’t think that it could get any better. Anything that would come after that would just be a plus.…

‘The Flash’ 4×15 Review: ‘Enter Flashtime’

Alyssa asked me to write the review for The Flash’s episode this week. For the record, nobody can prove I did anything nefarious to her so that I could write a review of what turned out to be one of…

7 Historical Women We’d Love the ‘Timeless’ Crew to Meet

With Timeless right around the corner and International Women’s Day here, we thought it was about time we put together a list of amazing historical women that we’d love the Timeless team to meet. Each and every single woman on this was a fighter,…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×12 Review: The Final Frontier

I’ll be the first to say I love Tom Kirkman. And that’s true, I love Tom Kirkman. He’s a kind, decent man who I think everyone who’s ever watched an episode of Designated Survivor would rather have in the White…

International Women’s Day: Celebrating Our Favorite Fictional Women

It’s International Women’s Day, and we’re in the mood to celebrate. To celebrate you, our wonderful, smart, talented, beautiful readers, and to celebrate the fictional women that inspire us, the ones that have us turning on the TV every night.…

‘The X-Files’ 11×08 Review: (Un) Familiar Snoozefest

So often it feels like there are only two kinds of episodes of TV: the really, really good ones, or the terrible ones. Sadly, that is not the case, because both those options make for easier reviews than the one…

The Teaser Trailer for ‘Christopher Robin’ Is Just Too Cute

“Sooner or later, your past catches up to you.” It’s true, but we’ve never tried to out run it. We kinda love the whole idea of remaining a cha Winnie the Pooh will forever be important to us. We’ll forever…

‘Stop and Fangirl’ Episode 52: The Oscars 2018

Here at Fangirlish we continue to support your right to fangirl over any fandom you desire – whether that is a book, a TV show, a movie, or even sports. That’s why we have  Stop and Fangirl!  So you can feel  happy –…

Michael Trevino Joins The Cast of ‘Roswell’

We’re excited for Roswell, as you all know. In addition to being fans of the original series, we’re thrilled with the casting. Jeanine Mason, Nathan Parsons, Lily Cowles, Michael Vlamis, Tyler Blackburn and Heather Hemmens had previously been cast. But in…

Why Netflix Needs to Bring Back ‘One Day At A Time’

I’m going to start this One Day At A Time piece with a reference to another show, because I apparently watch too much TV. Bear with me. When I sat down to write about this I tried to come up…

DCTV: What’s In a Team?

Most of the DCTV shows – all but Black Lightning to date – work off the same formula. Part of that formula involves the use of a team to support the hero, provide exposition and explanation, and justify the addition…

‘iZombie’ 4×02 Review: Blue Bloody

iZombie‘s “Blue Bloody” finally gave us some development when it comes to Liv Moore‘s life (sans brain/investigation time), brought up the age old and ridiculous notion that you can’t be with someone unless you have sex with them, and set…

‘Timeless’: The ABC’s of Lyatt

There are ships that grow on you, ships that sort of you catch you unawares, and then there are ships that have you committing to the journey from the first “ma’am.” Lyatt is one of the later ships, for us,…

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ 3×13 Review: “No Country for Old Dads”

It’s funny that in a episode with a trip to the 60’s, a new Legend, a returning Legend,  a really terrible wig and meditation visitations, the relationship between a father and daughter is the main focus of “No Country for…

‘Roswell’ Adds Several Members To The Cast

Roswell seems to be the show that we need to commit to this fall, if it gets picked up. But judging by the casting that is going on – we need this TV show like yesterday. We know that casting…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×10 Review: The Lost and the Plunderers

The Walking Dead gave us an episode that was easier on the feels but still felt like a punch in the gut in “The Lost and the Plunderers.” Rick & Michonne are mourning Carl, Jadis lost all her people, and the…

‘Love, Simon’ Clip: “Good Parents”

What makes a good parent? I think we all have different ideas on what that is and what it entails, but I would like to think that we could all have parents like Simon Spiers. We can’t tell you enough…

Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington Are Collaborating

Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon – working together? You can have all of our money, a kidney – whatever you want. Because these two actresses keep us on our toes and loving every second that they are on any screen.…

‘Blindspot’ 3×13 Review: “Warning Shot”

Hellatus is over! Blindspot returned with “Warning Shot,” an episode that has taken the characters out of their comfort zone, leaving them somewhat confused in an environment in which they aren’t accustomed to being.  Also, an old friend has paid…