‘The Walking Dead’ 8×12 Review: The Key

Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse than Negan, here comes Simon in The Walking Dead’s “The Key.” He isn’t interested in having rules or “saving” people like Negan is. He’s here for power and it’s almost impossible to…

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ 5×12 Review: Let’s Talk About Kevin

Brooklyn Nine-Nine returned last night with its twelfth episode after three long, agonizing months of hiatus. Arguably not the best set-up for any show to return to air. In those months, fans had time to speculate, guess, and hypothesize as…

‘Timeless’ 2×02 Review: Nothing Ahead But The Open Road

Timeless can be many things: incredibly emotional, amazingly educational, a feminist tour de force, a strong voice in the fight against sexism and racism. It can do all of those things and many more at once, and sometimes, as we…

‘Blindspot’ 3×15 Review: “Deductions”

Blindspot is back! And I can only say: Wow! I have to admit that it’s been a while since our favorite show left me so many mixed feelings, so many questions and such a bittersweet feeling. “Deductions” is awesome! The…

Our ‘Timeless’ 2×02 Soundtrack: “The Darlington 500”

Sometimes there are shows that bring people together. Right now, for the Fangirlish staff, Timeless is that show.  Years ago, some of us came together through Arrow, and stayed together because the bonds of friendship had already been established, but in the last few years Timeless has…

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ 5×13 Review: “Principia”

“Principia” or as we would like to call it “The Search for Gravitonium,” gave off the vibe of a cool-down episode. As for story-wise: We got to meet a new Von Strucker and a old pal of Mack’s. Yo-Yo’s journey…

‘Timeless’ 2×01 Roundtable: “The War to End All Wars”

At this point, you’re probably wondering, is there anything else to discuss about Timeless episode 2×01 that we haven’t discussed yet? The answer is, of course, that when you love a show as much as we love this one, there…

Watch ‘The Walking Dead’ Season Finale & ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Premiere in Theaters!

AMC and Fathom Events are working together to bring the world of the dead to a theater near you. “Survival Sunday: The Walking Dead & Fear the Walking Dead” is going to be a one-night fan event on April 15th.…

‘The Blacklist’ 5×16 Review: ‘The Capricorn Killer’

This week’s episode, “The Capricorn Killer” may have been the most gruesome one that The Blacklist has ever delivered. The woman who Liz thought was just her FBI psychologist assigned to evaluate her for reinstatement into the bureau, turned out…

‘Black Lightning’ 1×08 Review: ”The Book of Revelations”

The Book of Revelations did a good job of revealing quite a bit, but still left us with some secrets to unravel.  While I enjoyed most aspects of this week’s episode, I have to admit that I was a bit underwhelmed…

BBC America’s Killing Eve To Premiere April 8

We love Sandra Oh. We’ve missed having Sandra Oh in our TV screens. And now, Sandra Oh is coming back to BBC America, with Killing Eve, which is set to premiere April 8th at 8/7c. The show, which seems to…

‘Designated Survivor’ 2×13 Review: Anger, At Last

Would you look at that, Tom Kirkman is actually human. At times I have loved this show, at times I have been so bored by it that the idea of even watching one more episode left me wanting to bang…

‘The X-Files’ 11×09 Review: This Shit Is Almost Over

Chris Carter, or maybe The X-Files in general, are like that one night stand you really, really enjoyed while it was happening, but have regretted every second since. This is a terrible comparison to make for me, especially, because I…

‘The Flash’ 4×16 Review: ‘Run, Iris, Run’

I promise I didn’t do anything bad to Alyssa this week, guys! However, when she asked me to review this week’s episode of The Flash, Run Iris Run, how could I resist? Two great episodes in a row, and I get…

'Timeless' Season 2 Premiere: 12 Moments We Can’t Stop Talking About

It’s truly unbelievable that NBC even thought about cancelling the brilliant gem that is Timeless. It’s beautiful storytelling, complex characters, the jaw-dropping twists, and the mythology that has made Timeless a show that is truly captivating. Timeless’ first season was…

‘Timeless’ 2×02 Advance Review: “The Darlington 500”

Here we are, clockblockers, ready to preview another episode of Timeless, and isn’t it just a joy to be able to gush about this show, to replay some scenes (or one scene) twenty, thirty, forty times, to be able to…

‘iZombie’ 4×03 Review: Brainless in Seattle, Part 1

iZombie‘s “Brainless in Seattle, Part 1” delivered on the laughs (there might have been second hand embarrassment and covering of my face on this end), threw more fire into the division between zombies and humans, and made me realize that…

‘The Walking Dead’ 8×11 Review: Dead or Alive Or

The Walking Dead‘s “Dead or Alive Or” has me putting my neck on the line for Dwight (because I believe that he’s changed), Father Gabriel going on a holy journey to only have sense knocked into him (or sense knocked…

Shadowhunters: 5 Things We Hope Get Fixed in Season 3

We’re now less than two weeks away from the Shadowhunters season 3 premiere, and as always, we have mixed feelings here on Fangirlish. We’ve never been the biggest fans of this show, but we’re still invested, and we still want what’s…

‘Timeless’ 2×01 Review: You Haven’t Lost Me

It’s hard to explain the joy I feel at being able to write the title for this review, not just because I let out a pterodactyl-like screech the first time I heard him say it (What? No one judge me…

Our ‘Timeless’ 2×01 Soundtrack: “The War To End All Wars”

Sometimes there are shows that bring people together. Right now, for the Fangirlish staff, Timeless is that show.  Years ago, some of us came together through Arrow, and stayed together because the bonds of friendship had already been established, but…