‘Black Lightning’ 1×03 Review: “Lawanda: The Book of Burial”

Last week’s episode of Black Lightning had the winning formula for a great episode. It had the heart, humor, and heroics that make comic book stories utterly satisfying entertainment. Lawanda: The Book of Burial followed that same formula, and how…

'Arrow' 6×11: “We Fall” Roundtable

Chanel vs. Walmart. Original Team Arrow vs. New Team Arrow. We’ve got a lot of feelings about the latest episode of Arrow, “We Fall,” as the newbies became even more annoying and hypocritical than we thought. From Oliver and Felicity…

‘The X-Files’ 11×05 Review: This William Nonsense

It made no sense then, it makes even less sense now. Welcome to the William arc, aka the most ridiculous thing The X-Files ever tried to pull on us, a tall order when you remember all the things CC actually…

‘The Brave’ 1×13 Review: Close To Home – Part 2

“Maybe hell is the perfect memory of everything that we’ve ever done.” There are episodes that we see on TV that are fleeting, episodes that we see but don’t remember or never truly reach us. Then there are some that…

'The Flash' 4×12 Review: ‘Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash’

The Flash isn’t a show that’s grounded in reality. Episodes like “Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash” where Cisco and Ralph are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves and where Cecile developed telepathic powers are reminders of that.Yes, it’s hysterical. Yes,…

‘Supergirl’ 3×12 Review: For Good

When Alyssa asked me to write this Supergirl review I immediately said yes, because friendship, and then I said ugh because I will admit Supergirl and I have been having issues and I haven’t been exactly keeping up with it.…

‘One Day At A Time’ Season 2 Review: A Show for Everyone

There’s this inclination, for me, as a Latina, to start praising this show by stating the obvious: it is wonderful representation, and personally, the first time I’ve ever felt myself represented by the people on a TV screen. And though…

Dean Georgaris Talks ‘The Brave’: The Spirit of the Military

The Brave has broken the mold on what a military show should look like. With its star studded cast, amazing technical advisors and phenomenal writing crew, this show was destined to be great. But what truly makes it a success…

‘Agents of SHIELD’ 5×09 Review: “Best Laid Plans”

Questioning yourself is a common everyday occurrence. For us, it’s whether we should have that last slice of pizza or if that shirt really does match with those pants. For the Agents of SHIELD, it’s more like “Can I change…

‘Blindspot’ 3×11 Review: “Technology Wizards”

Blindspot is back! After last week’s episode, our favorite show is here another week to reveal a few secrets and leave us with the uncertainty of the future, while keeping us glued to our screens. “Technology Wizards” gets all that…

‘Blindspot’ 3×11: Sneak Peek & Spoilers

We are now hours away from being able to enjoy a new Blindspot episode! Soon we will be able to discover how this story continues and we will answer the questions from last week. As an appetizer of what awaits us,…

Black Lightning: The Cool Badass Dad of DCTV

Countless articles have been written about how Black Lightning has changed the game for DCTV. Starring largely (if not solely) an African-American cast, grounded in the real-world challenges that people of color face today, and with a LGBTQ+ relationship front…

‘Supernatural’ 13×11 Review: Breakdown

Donna suffers a loss that could possibly push her towards the Wayward Sisters (crossing fingers), Sam loses his faith (again), and we find out that there’s a whole other brand of monster that the Winchesters have never considered (the 9…

'Arrow' 6×11 Review: ‘We Fall’

We all watch television for different reasons. Some of us want to be entertained; some of us want a good laugh; and some of us want to feel, whether that’s happiness or sadness or a mixture of both. I’ve always…

‘Black Lightning’ 1×02 Review: “Lawanda The Book of Hope”

Well, damn! That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I rethink episode two of Black Lightning. Lawanda: The Book of Hope hit on all cylinders and was a perfect indication of the potential this series has in my…

‘The X-Files’ 11×04 Review: To Find Each Other

Well, that was weird, and out there and still so much better than Chris Carter’s platonic musings or medical rape, because at this point, anything and everything is better than the BS Carter is still trying to feed us twenty…

‘The Brave’ 1×12 Review: Close To Home – Part 1

“You’re a born liar and a master manipulator.” “Close To Home: Part 1” is one of the first episodes where I wasn’t left breathless and I think that was done on purpose. With the start of The Brave’s two part…

A Letter from Wally West A.K.A. Kid Flash

Dear Flarrowverse Fans, Wally West here. If you guys haven’t heard the news, I’m gonna be leaving Central City for a while, and I honestly don’t know when I’ll be back. I’ve often heard that every hero has his/her own…

'Black Lightning' 1×01: 'The Resurrection' Roundtable

Black Lightning is unlike anything we’ve ever seen on The CW. In the best possible way. Welcome to our new obsession that’s perhaps the most refreshing thing we’ve ever witnessed on the network. This is the perfect example of blending…

'Supergirl' 3×11 Review: ‘Fort Rozz’

Supergirl has proven that it’s at its best when it’s churning out storylines wrought in emotional context. Where it makes the audience feel rather than merely watch. It was something that was prevalent in the opening episodes of this third…

‘The Crown’ Casts Paul Bettany For Season 3 and 4

You know that we love The Crown and can’t get enough of anything and everything having to do with the royal family. We’ve known that Claire Foy will be replaced by Broadchurch‘s Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth and now we…