27 Women That Have Aged Like a Fine Wine

Sometimes perfection comes with age. Like a fine wine it takes time to unravel and reveal it’s complexities, beauty, and distinct nature. The women of this list have only gotten better with age and continue to steal hearts as they go…

From ‘Clexa’ to ‘Olicity’ – 11 Ships That Sank in 2016

Ships. We live by the knowledge that you don’t choose the ship, the ship chooses you. It’s not always an easy road. But when the ship has chosen you – when you have invested all this time and heart into…

27 Men That Have Aged Like a Fine Wine

Sometimes perfection comes with age. Like a fine wine it takes time to unravel and reveal it’s complexities, beauty, and distinct nature. The men of this list have only gotten better with age and continue to steal hearts as they…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Roundtable: “Wish You Were Here”

That was a tad …anticlimactic? I mean, I see what you were going for, Once Upon A Time. Especially if I tilt my head to the side and sort of squint. Which kinda means you didn’t quite hit the mark…

27 Female TV Characters Who Were a Force of Nature in 2016

Being a woman is not easy. Not even in TV-Land. In fact, we could even say “especially” not in TV Land. Everything is, after all, magnified. The characters we see on the screen are us (with stylists and better outfits),…

See What Shows Made Our Top 10 New Shows of 2016

We’ve had a hard time narrowing down our favorite new television shows of 2016. Some of the shows that we have loved for years seemed to have gone down hill, but we’re so glad that we have been able to…

Timeless 1×10 Review: The Things We Do For Love

We do a lot for love. In fact, you could even say we do everything for love. Sometimes it might be the love we have for ourselves, or the love we have for our significant other, or family, but feelings…

An Open Letter to Comic Book Fans

Hello, hello. I’d ask how you are, but you’re probably fine. Better than fine. You’re seeing your favorite characters come to the screen, be it in TV or movies, and you’re pumped. It’s a good thing. Even if they don’t…

BROTPs That Ruled 2016

As fans, we tend to focus a lot on the romance in movies, books and TV shows. But sometimes, it’s the friendships that provide the most heartwarming moments and, let’s be honest, the most solid relationships. Even if your OTP…

Legends of Tomorrow 2×08 Review: Time is Precious

Legends of Tomorrow has easily been my second favorite of the Arrowverse shows this season just behind Supergirl. It’s because the show has managed to find what makes it work and expand upon it and find out what hinders it…

6 WTF Moments from Supernatural’s Mid-Season Finale: LOTUS

Supernatural‘s mid-season finale “LOTUS” takes a crazy turn when Lucifer, on a power trip of epic proportions, takes over the President of the United States. The Winchesters send him straight back to hell just in time to be arrested for…

‘Pitch’ 1×10 Review: ‘Don’t Say It’

I don’t want this to be the end. Pitch has been one of the best shows on television this season. It’s relevant, it’s entertaining, and it’s so important. This show has a wonderfully diverse cast. Its writing is much better…

DC Crossover Event Roundtable: Discussing the Epic Team-Up With Arrow, Flash, Supergirl & Legends

This year’s DC Crossover Event upped the stakes and the shows as the worlds of Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow collided in a thrilling four-night event. Fangirlish writers Alyssa, Lizzie, Lyra, Nora, and Sarah are breaking down everything…

‘Pitch’ 1×09 Roundtable: ‘Scratched’

Here at Fangirlish, we are absolutely smitten with FOX’s new baseball drama Pitch. A hopeful, empowering story with phenomenal production value, lots of positive representation and an entire cast of relatable characters, it stole our hearts in episode one and still…

Arrow 5×09 Review: Unintended Consequences

Arrow writers, You have failed this audience. This season of Arrow has been disappointing and agitating to say the least. But silly me to have some hope heading into the mid-season finale that perhaps would jumpstart a better second half.…

The Flash 3×09 Review: What Does the Future Hold?

I’ve made it no secret that The Flash hasn’t exactly dazzled me this season. Part of it has to do with my dislike of Barry at present and part of it has to do with the storyline. Given how The…

‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ Review: “Spring”

After sobbing through Richard’s funeral in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’s “Winter,” “Spring” is one of the more uplifting portions of the revival. While this episode deals with Lorelai and Emily continuing to work through their issues, and…

Timeless 1×09 Review: What’s Meant to Be

“You never heard of Lucy and Wyatt?” After this episode everyone will have. Timeless has an incredible way of choosing the perfect moment in history and weaving the perfect storyline around it. Of course this week’s focus centered around Lucy…

‘Once Upon A Time’ 6×10 Review: “Wish You Were Here”

What ifs seem to be all the rage these days. Earlier this week Arrow took us to a dream world that was altogether too perfect. Today, Once Upon A Time attempted to do the same. Both shows sent a message,…

Gilmore Girls Review: “Winter” (Are we lost? We are)

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? In a way it feels like it’s been too long, and yet, it also feels like it was yesterday. Maybe it’s because Gilmore Girls is such a big part of who we are –…

The Walking Dead 7×07 Review: Sing Me a Song Called the End of Negan

Alexandria is finally done with Negan’s shit in The Walking Dead’s “Sing Me a Song.” Michonne, Rosita, Eugene, Spencer, and even Carl, are shaking things up and making waves in an effort to kill the man who murdered Glenn and…